Day 5: Sharp

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Donald Na was blinded by rage. He had intended to defeat Changhui Han and force Cheongang to work under the Union, even if it's through the shadows by letting Changhui save face in front of his men. But the moment Changhui took out a knife and slashed Donald's arm, Donald only saw red.

The sharp knife that easily cut through flesh like butter was snatched by Donald. He pinned Changhui under the table and stabbed him. Changhui screamed as the blade dug into his eye.

The screamed could even be heard by the executives below. Everyone stopped their fights and rushed upstairs. They gasped at the sight of Changhui Han, curled up on the floor, holding a hand to his bloody face. The knife was still lodged into his eye, currently preventing him from dying from blood loss.

Donald calmly sat on a chair with a wicked smirk. "We could've done things peacefully if you had cooperated, but you chose to pick a fight with me,"

The Union executives had already known that Donald Na was brutal in fights, but they didn't think that'd he go this far. Their fear of him increased by a thousand times that day.

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