Day 26: Patch

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There will be appearances of characters from my other fanfics in this chapter.

"Pumpkin! Pumpkin! Pumpkin!"

"Why do we have to go to a pumpkin patch?" Wolf growled during the hayride. "This is so fucking lame,"

"I'm gonna get a big pumpkin!"

"It's for a charity event to improve the Union's reputation," Donald answered. "We'll be buying pumpkins and donating them for the pumpkin carving contest,"

"The biggest pumpkin in the entire pumpkin patch!"

"Why are there two Donald's?" Forrest asked. "And who's the kid?"

"I'm from Universe C-00001," Chaosverse Donald informed. "The kid is my brother, Ashur,"

"Donald, Donald, I'm gonna carve the scariest jack-o-lantern!" Ashur said. "Our decorations are gonna be the scariest one in the whole neighborhood!"

"We can kill Wolf to make it more authentic," Chaosverse Donald suggested.

"Why do you hate Woof-Woof?" Ashur asked.

"Because it's fun to tease him, beat him up, and threaten him," Chaosverse Donald answered. "Jimmy's too lame and not worth it to really tease. Jake's unbothered by everything that's not related to Ace's death,"

"What about Forrest?" Jake inquired. "You mentioned your universe's version of me, Jimmy, and Wolf but not Forrest,"


"Mr. Land Puffy," Ashur reminded. "Raccoon's friend,"

"Oh you mean Myles' replacement," Chaosverse Donald recalled. "Yeah, he's pretty forgettable,"

"What?" Forrest turned to his own universe's Donald.

"Forrest, you literally lost during your debut fight as a school head," Donald deadpanned. "You lack a presence in the delinquent world,"

The truck stopped and everyone disembarked from the hay seats. 

"Why the fuck are there so many Donald Na's!?" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Because we can," All Donald Na's answered.

"Come on, Ashur," Chaosverse Donald led his brother to a row of pumpkins. 

"Why is this pumpkin patch so popular with dimensional travelers?" Donald inquired.

"Because they have a large variety of pumpkins," Dawn Na answered. 

"There's also a bunny petting zoo to distract the overprotective Donald's," Dara Na added.

"Bunny petting zoo!?" All Donald Na's ears perked up at those words and they all stampeded away to see the bunnies.

"Hey Mr. Na," Jake spoke up. "You're less happy and don't smile as much as the other versions of you and I think I know why. All those other versions of you have a younger sibling. So, I decide to nominate myself to be your younger brother that you can spoil with a bunch of money and manga,"

"Why the fuck would I want you to be my brother?" Donald scoffed as he left to join the others at the bunny petting zoo.

"Come on Grape, you need to get out more often," A red porcupine and a grey robin dragged a purple raccoon with them. "Go pick out a pumpkin to carve into a jack-o-lantern,"

"They're used to ward off evil spirits," Animalverse Robin added.

"Will they keep Wolf away?" Animalverse Grape asked.

"Who knows?" Animalverse Forrest tried to be optimistic. "Wolf could be afraid of jack-o-lanterns for all we know,"

"Wolf, leave them alone," Jake grabbed Wolf's arm to prevent him from walking over to the animal Hyeongshin trio.

Wolf jerked his arm free and menacingly grinned down at them, or more specifically the raccoon who was obviously a variant of Sam Lee. "Hey Sam,"

"AHHH!" The raccoon screamed and scurried away.

"That's not Wolf!" Animalverse Robin shouted and flew after him. "That's just a human!"

"HE IS WOLF!" The raccoon shrieked as he continued to run.

"Leave Grape alone!" Animalverse Forrest yelled at Wolf.

Wolf responded by punting the porcupine.

"Stop being mean to the animals!" Diamond scolded.

"Who the fuck are you?" Wolf scoffed. "And why should I listen to a bitch like you?"

Wolf was suddenly punched in the face by one of his own variants. 

"Did you just insult my girlfriend!?" Diamondverse Wolf handed his glasses to Diamond to hold.

As the two Wolf Keum's fought, the rest of the Union executives decided to just get on with their task of choosing some pumpkins to buy.

It's just a normal day at the Dimensional Pumpkin Patch.

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