Day 10: Incandescent

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extremely angry

To everyone, Timothy Park wasn't anyone strong. His skills were in information gathering, not fighting. Most would assume prior to befriending Jake Ji and Dean Kwan he was a victim of severe bullying. With those glasses and tablet he had the typically nerdy appearance.

But no one had ever seen Timmy pissed off. They had seen him sad, scared, or nervous, but never incandescent. 

The Union and Cheongang executives were having a meeting at the Octagon since it was larger than the meeting room in Yeouinaru. Kingsley was busy doing student council stuff so Donald ordered Jake to bring Timmy as a substitute.

"It looks like the Union has their own version of Doyoon," Gijoo joked.

Jake stared at Timmy and then quickly glanced over to Doyoon. He repeated these actions several times. "SECRET LO—"

"Jake," Timmy deadpanned before Jake could finish saying "secret love child" out loud. "Doyoon is my cousin,"

Surprisingly, the rest of the meeting went by smoothly. It was as the Union members were leaving that trouble started arising...but not between the Union and Cheongang.

Jimmy had rudely bumped into Timmy as they were going through the doorway, wanting to walk in front of him. This caused Timmy to accidentally drop his tablet and the screen broke.

"Oh no," Doyoon whispered.

All of a sudden, Timmy punched Jimmy, sending him flying across the room. His back hit a window and cracks formed from the impact.

"Jake, was your friend always that strong?" Forrest asked.

"I've never seen him act like this before," Jake was just as shocked as everyone else.

Jimmy managed to recover and got back up. "You fucker!" He charged at him.

Timmy ducked under the punch and delivered an uppercut to Jimmy's chin followed by a jumping axe kick.

"Timmy, that's enough," Jake placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Timmy reacted by elbowing Jake in the throat and punching him in the guts. Jake coughed up blood and fell to his knees. "Stay out of my way!" Timmy snapped. "Jimmy Bae broke my tablet so he will pay!"

"You're throwing a tantrum over a tablet," Jimmy stood back up and scoffed.

"Not just any tablet," Timmy grabbed Jimmy by his throat and started strangling him with one hand. "Doyoon bought that for me for my fifteenth birthday!"

"He's very protective of any gifts given to him," Doyoon shook his head. "Timothy, that's enough. Your mom said you shouldn't end up in juvie for attempted murder again,"

"Attempted murder!?" Everyone exclaimed.

"I'll buy you another tablet, so stop," Doyoon walked over and patted his cousin's head.

Timmy hugged him tightly. "Okay!"

Don't mess with the iPad kid's iPad.

|Weak Hero| Weaktober 2022Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora