Day 18: Silver

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"Where are all our silverware?" Forrest asked. "All the spoons, forks, and knives are gone,"

"I saw Grape taking them to the garage," Robin answered. "Not sure why though,"

The two made their way to the garage and found Grape stirring a pot of melted silver. He carefully poured it into a mold and cooled his creation down in a large vat of ice water.

"Yes!" Grape cheered. "I finally have a silver bullet!"

"Grape, did you just melt all our silverware!?" Forrest exclaimed.

"Yes," Grape nodded proudly. "I used them to make a silver bullet so I can kill Wolf! Werewolves are weak to silver bullets,"

"I'm pretty sure a normal bullet can kill him," Robin commented. "And you don't even have a gun to fire that bullet,"


"And you gotta buy new eating utensils now,"

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