Day 22: Summon

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Be warned, this is the weirdest chapter.

Sometimes, people made hasty and bad decisions. Changhui Han was no exception. 

At sixteen years old, he summoned a sleep with. He was a horny teenager, okay? He had slept with normal, human girls before but after a while, he was starting to get bored of them. He wanted to try something new.

Surprisingly, the demon he had summoned was the same age as him.

"I thought demons are usually older?" Changhui inquired. "Like at least a few hundred years old?"

"We aren't born as hundred year olds," The demon rolled her eyes. "We all start off just like humans. We start off as a newborn and age each year. It just so happens that we're the same age,"

"I guess it's less awkward than sleeping with a thousand year old demon," Changhui shrugged.

"I can't believe some humans like you would sell their soul away for one good fuck," The demon mumbled.


He should've worn a condom. He didn't know that a human could impregnate a demon. So, Changhui Han became a teen dad to his half-demon half-human son who the demon had named Donald.

"He'll be staying with you," The demon, Jiwon, told him. "Since he's half-human, I'm afraid that the demon realm long term wouldn't be good for him. I'll probably bring him from time to time to meet my family,"

"So you plan on being a deadbeat?" Changhui raised a brow.

"I'm not abandoning him!" Jiwon snapped. "I'll still visit and care for him whenever I'm able to leave the demon realm! He's my son and I love him!"

Raising a cambion was not an easy feat. Donald had wings and would fly around, avoiding Changhui's attempts to grab him. He also had enhanced strength and couldn't exactly control it, leading to several broken items. Fortunately, he did not have enhanced speed.


"Donald's already seven years old," Jiwon commented. "He's able to control his strength well now. I think we should let him meet his younger cousin, who's a cambion like him?"

"You have a sibling?" Changhui inquired.

"Yeah, a twin brother," Jiwon nodded. "His name's Joowon and he married a human,"


"He fell in love with the girl he made a contract with," Jiwon explained. "So he used a spell to seal his powers so he can live in the human realm as a human and marry his wife. They have a son who's a year younger than Donald. His name's Gray,"

"Joowon, as in Joowon Lee!?" Changhui exclaimed.

"Yeah," Jiwon nodded. "He told me that you two are both part of Cheongang,"

"Why didn't you tell me that my coworker was your brother!?"

"It never came up," Jiwon shrugged. "Come on, let's go and see my brother and his family,"


"My powers are completely sealed so my strength when I fight is completely human strength," Joowon told Changhui as their sons played in the yard and Jiwon chatted with Joowon's wife, Gwen.

"Are cambions this common?" Changhui questioned.

"No," Joowon shook his head. "In most cases, the demon reproductive cells end up killing the other reproductive cells. I wasn't worried about Jiwon when you got her pregnant because her body's stronger than a human's and would be able to handle it. But I was worried when my wife got pregnant since she's a human carrying a half-demon child,"

"Was Gray as tough to raise like Donald?" Changhui asked.

"No," Joowon shook his head. "He was extremely docile. The most trouble he caused was when he used his powers to get into the snacks when we told him that he had enough for now,"

"I feel like Donald's going to cause chaos when he's older..."

This takes place in the same AU as Feathers.

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