Day 13: Oily

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Stephen was stuck in a large, glass container. A large puddle of oil sat at the bottom of the container. He attempted to climb out, but the sides were also slick with oil, causing him to slide down.

Stephen didn't know what had happened. He didn't even know where he was or how he had ended up in this situation. All he knew was that he needed to escape.

The puddle of oil began to grow rapidly, going from the soles of his shoes to his ankles and then up to his knees within seconds. His clothes became soaked with oil and weighed him down.

Stephen once again attempted to scour up the sides of the container, digging his nails into the glass in a desperate attempt to find something, anything, to grip onto. Unfortunately, he slid back down to the bottom.

The oil was now up to his neck. Stephen attempted to float to potentially use the oil to reach the top of the container, but his efforts were futile. The oil wanted him to sink and pull him down to the bottom.

Stephen struggled to breathe as he became fully submerged. He tried to swim to the surface, but he had used up his energy during his climbing attempts. Air bubbled escaped as he clawed at his neck. His lungs burned, desperate for air. 


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