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It was a beautiful, sunny day. The birds were singing. A gentle breeze was blowing. And the air was filled with the sound of battle, as Xena and Gabrielle faced down a group of raiders they happened to stumble across on their travels. They overheard that the raiders were preparing for an attack on the nearby city. And of course they couldn't let that happen. So naturally Xena and Gabrielle stepped up to put a stop to their plans. They fought them off with relative ease. Cutting their losses, the raiders decided to retreat. As they scurried off like scolded dogs running away with their tails tucked between their legs, Gabrielle noticed one of them drop something. Xena sheathed her sword, as Gabrielle walked over to inspect what the raiders had left behind. She saw it was a scroll and picked it up. Curious, Gabrielle opened it. When she read what was on it, she quickly informed Xena of her find.

Xena I think you better look at this.

She handed Xena the paper. Xena read it.

Let's get moving.

Xena and Gabrielle set off to the city that the raiders were heading for. Once there they went to find the one that the note was addressed to. As the two of them walked through the city, they saw a big castle up on a hill overlooking the entire city. Based on the note, they knew that was their destination. Xena and Gabrielle made their way to the castle gate. They were stopped outside by the guards.

State your business.

We're here to see the king.

Sorry but I can't just let outsiders in to see the king.

But this is important.

No one can enter without permission.

This should be all the permission we need.

Xena gave the guard the note. He read it.

It was left behind by some raiders we ran into not too far from here.

Come with me.

The guard lead Xena and Gabrielle inside. They hastily made their way to the kings war room. The guard threw open the door as he addressed the king.

Your majesty I have urgent news.

The king, who had been sitting stoicly at the table stood up with the guards announcement.

Yes, what is it?

The guard gave him the scroll. The king read the note.

Your failure to comply with our previous demands have only served as proof that you care more about your wealth and power than you do the princess. This is your last chance, if you want to see your daughter again you'll give us what we want. You have two weeks to send the ransom. This is your final warning or the next thing you get from us will be your daughter's head.

The king slowly sat back down. Clearly distraught, he held his head in his hands.

No, what am I going to do? My daughters going to die.

You seem like a very wealthy man. Why haven't you just paid them?

I can't.

Hearing his response angered Gabrielle.

You not seriously choosing your money over your own daughter are you?

The king looked up at them.

Of course not. I would do anything to ensure that my daughter was safely returned home.

Xena slammed her hands on the table.

So why haven't you just swallowed your pride and paid the ransom?

I told you, I can't.

Why not?

Because no one can!

Xena and Gabrielle gave him a questioning look.

The place that they're holding her is on the other side of the western mountains. I've sent numerous people to make the exchange, but only one person I sent has come back alive. Those mountains are  impossible to cross. None of my people have the ability to do so. Those mountains are a hell frozen over. Now my dear daughters going to die and there's nothing I can do.

Xena and Gabrielle could hear the sadness in the kings voice.

We'll get her back for you.

I can't ask you to do that. I can't send two women to their death.

Gabrielle looked at Xena, giving her a slight smirk.

I don't think he knows who you are Xena.

The kings eyes widened as he focused his attention on Xena.

Wait YOU'RE Xena? As in the warrior princess? That Xena?

I am.

Oh finally some good news. Yes please Xena bring my daughter home. You will be very handsomely rewarded. Anything you want, it's yours.

It's fine. We'll stock up on the supplies we need and then we'll head out.

Xena turned and headed out of the castle.

Don't worry, we'll bring your daughter back safe and sound.

Thank you too, uh forgive me I never caught your name.

It's Gabrielle.

Thank you Gabrielle. Both you and Xena for taking on this dangerous mission. Please be careful.

Gabrielle nodded, thanking him as she left, following Xena. They stopped by some shops for the things they needed for the trip. Then Xena and Gabrielle left the city for the mountains. What seemed like  a straight forward mission, would become anything but. Soon Xena and Gabrielle would find out why the king referred to the mountains as a hell frozen over.


WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora