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Xena and Gabrielle stood atop the mountain, looking out to the other side. They were both exhausted and hurt. Gabrielle did her best to hold Xena up, while not putting too much pressure on her own leg. Though Gabrielle had done her best to patch Xena up, it was just an emergency fix. Xena's wound was still serious. So they both knew that Xena would need more thorough medical attention soon.

(Thinking to herself) It took so much just to get here. We're only halfway and neither of us are in any shape to do much of anything. Especially Xena. How are we supposed to keep going like this?

She looked at Xena who dispite trying to hide it, was clearly in a great deal of pain and was breathing alot heavier than normal due to the injury to her lung.

We should take a break. That climb clearly took alot out of you.

I'll be alright. I just need a few minutes to catch my breath.

Xena held where the wound was, as she took a few deep breaths. Knowing that Xena wouldn't admit to needing a break, Gabrielle decided to tell her that her leg was really bothering her and she needed a rest. Xena agreed. So they made a fire and sat beside it. Warming themselves as they took a much needed rest. While they took a break, it occurred to Xena that they were only half way to their destination. And just getting this far had nearly killed them. If they carried on the same way down the other side, they'd be in no shape to rescue anyone. That is if they could even make it down at all. Slowly Xena stood up.

That wasn't a very long break. Don't you think we should rest a little longer?

Xena began looking around.

Don't worry we're not leaving just yet.

What are you doing then?

Xena continued inspecting their surroundings, as if looking for something.

In our current conditions, continuing down like this is far too dangerous. The odds of us even making it out of here are slim at best.

So what's the plan. It's not like we can stay here.

No, of course not. But I have an idea that'll make the trip down, much easier and faster...hopefully.

Gabrielle looked at Xena.


Well it's gonna be a bit risky. But compared to the alternative, I think it's probably our best option given the circumstances.

Okay. So what's the plan?

We're gonna ride down the mountain.

You're kidding right?

Of course she knew Xena wasn't.

Xena we can't just sled down the side of a mountain. With all the rocks, trees and ledges there's no way we'd make it in one piece.

Well walking isn't really a good idea either. Neither one of us are in the best shape to be continuing this on foot. So as far as getting off this mountain goes, riding our way down is really the only thing we can do.

Gabrielle signed, knowing Xena was right.

Okay, but this is gonna have to be a pretty good sled.

Xena continued looking for anything they could use to build a sturdy enough sled to carry them down the mountain. Gabrielle helped her gather the stuff and then they got to work putting it together. In no time at all, the sled was ready. It was simple, just big enough for the two of them. It had a part in the front that could move and had a rope attached that allowed them to stear somewhat. It wasn't the most well built, but it would have to do. Xena just hoped it would be enough to get the job done.

Okay that's as good as we're gonna get. Time to get moving.

Xena and Gabrielle got situated on the sled. Xena sat in front, as Gabrielle sat behind her, holding on to Xena. Not unlike how they would ride on horseback.

You ready?

As I'll ever be.

Good, let's get off this mountain.

Xena grabbed the rope as she prepared to get going.

Alright, hold on tight.

And with that final instruction they pushed off and started their decent. They glided down the mountain, picking up speed as they went. Gabrielle held tightly to Xena as they practically flew down a large drop. They landed hard, but it didn't slow them down. They just kept right on going. Xena steered them through the rocks and trees. For what had taken them days to climb up, Xena and Gabrielle had made it down the other side of the mountain in only hours. Finally when the slope became too small to keep riding, they went the rest of the way on foot. It was tough, but they just kept going. After they walked for awhile it began to warm up. Signaling that were getting close to the base.

Based on the temperature and wind, it shouldn't be too much longer 'til we reach the bottom.

Finally. I thought we were never getting off this mountain.

They continued going and after a few more hours, until finally they made it off the mountain. Tired, hurting and knowing that they were probably going to have to fight to get the princess back. Xena and Gabrielle stopped for the night.

It took a lot longer to climb that mountain than I thought it would. We don't have much time to get to the princess. So tomorrow we're really gonna have to pick up the pace.

How long do you think it'll take to get there?

If we make good time we should be able to make it before sunset. So rest up, we still have a lot of work to do.

Xena and Gabrielle settled down for the night. Soon morning came and they headed for where they were told the princess was being held captive. Like Xena predicted they arrived at their destination around sunset. They hid just outside the building that they were told the princess would be in, as they went over their plan. Having no clue that their plan meant nothing. Because this mission was about to take a very unforseen turn.


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