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A number of days went by as Xena and Gabrielle stayed at the theives hideout, recovering from their injuries. The thief leader made sure that they were well tended to. Dispite his line of work, he was actually a very kind man. After feeling like they were good, Xena decided it was time to go.

Are you almost ready?


Gabrielle finished packing up their stuff.

Xena are you sure you're okay to go. I can tell you're still in pain.

It's nothing I can't handle.

But your injury was really serious. There's no way you're healed enough. Maybe we should wait a little longer before we leave.

Xena put her hand on Gabrielle's shoulder.

I'm okay Gabrielle, really. Besides it'll take us a couple days to get back by ship. So I can use that time to get a bit more rest before we get there. How's your leg anyway?

Little sore, but I'm fine.

Good. I guess we should get going than.

They grabbed their stuff and headed out. They stopped to see the thief leader before they left.

Leaving so soon?

Yes, we have to get back to the king. We have some unfinished business to see to.

(smirking) I'm sure you do.

He stood up and shook Xena and Gabrielle's hand.

Thanks again for the help.

It was nothing. I'm glad I could be of assistance. You two take care. And if you ever find yourselfs back in these parts, you're always welcome here.

We'll keep that in mind.

With that Xena and Gabrielle bid farewell to the thief leader and headed for the docks. They boarded a ship and set sail. A couple days later Xena and Gabrielle arrived back at the castle. They stood outside as Xena stared clenching her first.

You okay?


What's the plan when we get in there?

I wanna see his reaction when we tell 'em that we never found his "daughter". See what he says. Come on, I'm sure he's gonna be real thrilled when we walk in.

Not knowing the kings vendetta against her and after saying that they were reporting back to the king from a mission, the guards allowed Xena and Gabrielle inside. The two of them made their way to the throne room, where they were told the king currently was. Meanwhile the king was sitting on his throne idlely listening to one of his people going over his schedule for the day. Suddenly the doors flew open, startling everyone in the room. The kings eyes went wide as he watched Xena and Gabrielle came walking into the room, stopping in front of him. He quickly hid his surprise to seeing them again. Especially Xena.

Oh Xena you're back.

You seem surprised to see me.

Well yes. Given how dangerous the mountains are. I wasn't sure that you'd return...alive.

You sound disappointed.

No, not at all. I'm just in shock that you actually made it back.

Are you sure? Because you haven't even mentioned your daughter that you've been all so worried about. Now I would think that the first thing a concerned father would be asking would be the whereabouts of his missing child. Not how the one he sent to save them managed to make it back in one piece.

The king got a nervous look on his face.

well I uh...

But then again why would you ask about someone who doesn't even exist.

What are you talking about? Where is my daughter?

Spare me the lies. I know the real reason you sent me into those mountains.

The king tried to play dumb. But given everything that they had been through, Xena was in no mood for the kings charades.

You don't have a daughter. The soul purpose of this whole thing was just to get me killed.

The king chuckled.

Now why would I go through such an elaborate scheme. I'm a king, if I really wanted you dead why wouldn't I simply have you executed?

Simple. You wanted me to suffer. While at the same time keeping your hands clean. Thus keeping your appearance as a just ruler.

An evil smile came across the kings face.

So you figured it all out did you.

Xena drew her sword.

I'm truly sorry for what happened to your wife. I could've accepted your desire for revenge on me. But your thirst for vengeance nearly got someone I love killed. And you're gonna pay for that.

We'll see about that. Guards!, siese them.

With the kings order, the room became flooded with his guards. Xena and Gabrielle began fighting them off. However due to not being fully recovered from their injuries, they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of men against them.

Make sure not to kill them. Not just yet anyway. I have plans for them.

The guards subdued Xena and Gabrielle. Then they dragged them off to the castle's dungeon. There Xena and Gabrielle were held prisoners as they waited to see whatever new sinister plan the king had in store for them.


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