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The sun had just about disappeared from the sky, as Xena and Gabrielle hid outside the large building. After the hellish trip over the mountain, they had at long last made it. They crept around to find a way in without being noticed.

(Whisper) I really hope actually rescuing the princess is easier than it was getting here. Otherwise I think we're in trouble.

(Whisper) Hopefully we can find a way in, get her and get back out before anyone notices.

(Whisper) You really think that they're not gonna notice us taking their hostage?

(Whisper) We can hope. Come on.

The two of them snuck to a window. Peeking inside, Xena saw that it was a storage room. A perfect spot for them to get in. They climbed inside and crept over to the door. After making sure the coast was clear, Xena and Gabrielle began stealthily searching for the princess. After a while they still hadn't seen any sign of her.

(whisper) This isn't working Xena. If we just keep running around like this someone's gonna see us.

(Whisper) You're right. That might be a good idea.

Xena spead up as she went around a corner.

(Whisper) What?! Wait, Xena.

Gabrielle quickly and quietly followed Xena. She caught up to Xena as she stood up against the wall just outside a room. Xena cautiously peeked into the room, seeing someone inside. He had his back to the door so he didn't notice them. Xena gave Gabrielle a signal to follow her as she crept into the room. She snuck up behind him as Gabrielle quietly shut the door. Just as Xena reached him, he turned around. Before he had time to do anything Xena put her pinch on him. She explained that had a very short time to live unless he told her what she wanted to know. He nodded, agreeing to co-operate.

Good. Now tell me where you're keeping the princess.


The princess you people kidnapped and are holding for ransome. Where is she?

I don't know anything about a kidnapped princess.

Look lying to me right now is a really bad idea. Times running out. Now if I were you I'd start talking.

I swear I really don't know anything. But I can take you to someone who can probably help. Please.

Xena believed him and released the hold. She grabbed the back of his shirt and shoved him back out to the hallway. He nervously looked back at Xena and Gabrielle as he started leading them.

(Whisper) You realize he's probably leading us to a bunch of soldiers or something.

(Whisper) Probably.

(Whisper) With neither of us in any shape to fight, what are we gonna do?

(Whisper) I'm sure I'll come up with something.

(whisper) Wait you mean you don't know yet?

Xena shrugged as Gabrielle sighed. But Gabrielle knew by now to trust Xena. Given their current conditions she just hoped that whatever idea Xena came up with would work. Otherwise they were going to be in serious trouble. After walking for a bit, they reached a room. The man lead Xena and Gabrielle inside. There were a number of people in the room. But one of them stood out, he was clearly their leader. The man who lead Xena and Gabrielle addressed his leader, explaining what they were there for. The leader gave a confused look as he stood up. He walked over to Xena and Gabrielle and introduced himself as the leader of a theif group. Xena, who was in no mood for pleasantries demanded to know where the princess was.

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