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Quite a few months had passed by since Gabrielle and Xena were found in the kings dungeon and brought to the thieves hideout. The thief leader made sure Xena and Gabrielle were very well cared for. Every day he would come by to check on his guests. Making sure they had everything they needed and were comfortable. It was slow,, but over time Gabrielle fully recovered from her injuries she suffered at the orders from the king. As she regained her full strength, she took over caring for Xena. Who even after all this time, still hadn't regained consciousness. As the day's went by, Gabrielle stayed by Xena's side. Making sure she was okay. And just waiting, hoping for Xena to wake up. One day the thief leader came to see them. As he walked in their room he saw Gabrielle sitting in a chair next to Xena's bed. She was leaning over her head resting on one of her arms as she had fallen asleep. Her other hand holding on to Xena's as if it was the only thing tieing Xena to this world. The thief leader smiled to himself. This had become a common sight for him.. Seeing such loyalty and devotion the two clearly had for one another, truly warmed his heart. He walked over, picking up a small blanket and layed it over Gabrielle. As he adjusted it, Gabrielle slowly opened her eyes.


Gabrielle sleepily sat up straight.

No, it's just me. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

Gabrielle sadly looked at Xena, who indeed still hadn't come to.

It's okay. Thanks.

Gabrielle stood up as she stretched out

Has there been any change?

No, still nothing. Though if there were, you would probably be the first one to know. Seeing as though you never leave her side.

Gabrielle didn't say anything, she just let out a sad sigh as she looked at Xena. Wanting nothing more then to have her back. But with every day that went by, it became harder and harder for Gabrielle to keep believing that Xena would wake up.

There's some food in the dining hall if you want it. Or I can have someone bring you something if you'd prefer to stay here.

Thanks I'll get something in a bit.

Okay. Just remember, you can't care for her, if you don't care for yourself.

I know.

The thief leader gave her a reassuring smile as he left. Gabrielle stayed with Xena for a while, before leaving for a bit to go eat. Later that night Gabrielle sat beside Xena's bed talking to her as she always did these days. Hoping Xena could hear her.

I know you're still in there Xena. I don't care how long it takes for you to wake up. I'm gonna stay right here. No matter what happens, I'll be here, waiting for you.

Gabrielle wiped away the couple tears she began to shed as leaned over and gently kissed Xena.

Good night Xena. I love you.

Gabrielle layed her head on her arms as she leaned on the side of the bed. She just watched Xena until she eventually drifted off to sleep. And so another day of Gabrielle's new life came and went. Just as so many of her recent days had gone by. Soon yet another morning came. Gabrielle hadn't moved from her spot. She sat in her chair, laying her head next to Xena on the bed. Gabrielle mumbled, still mostly asleep as she felt something touch her. She moved her head a little, as she got move comfortable. Then she felt it again. She slowly began to stir, feeling a hand softly brushing through her hair. As a sleepy Gabrielle opened her eyes, she saw someone looking down at her. She began to cry as she saw the all too familiar face smiling at her. Gabrielle could only seem to muster up one thing to say as she sprung up.

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