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Warmly dressed and their packs filled with the supplies for the climb, Xena and Gabrielle made it to the base of the mountains. Gabrielle looked up at the enormous mountain range before them.

These mountains are a lot bigger than I thought they were.

We better get moving then.

The two of them began their climb. It wasn't very steep, so for the most part they could just walk to make their way up the mountain. The snow crunched beneath their feet as it had become partially frozen due to how cold it was. But something like that wouldn't be enough to stop Xena or Gabrielle from doing what they had volunteered to do. This was nothing compared to alot of their other adventures. So unfazed, they continued their assent. They casually chatted to pass the time as they went on. They walked until the sun was about to disappear from the sky.

Continuing in the dark will be too dangerous. Plus the temperature is going down. We'll set up camp around here for the night.

They looked for a cave, or somewhere that wasn't covered with a thick layer of snow and would shield them from the cold. That way they could rest and sleep a little more comfortably. After a little searching, they found a small rock formation. It was too small to really be called a cave. But it was big enough for Xena and Gabrielle to use as shelter for the night. As they made their way inside and set up camp, it began to snow. Once a fire got going and they layed out their bedding, they settled in for the night. Though the wind howled as it whipped the snow around outside, Xena and Gabrielle were fairly comfortable inside the little nook. They layed together wrapped in their warm blankets next to the crackling fire.

We'll head out first thing in the morning. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. So we better get some rest while we can.


Gabrielle turned to her side as she rested her head on Xena's arm that was wrapped around her. Xena idely traced her fingertips on Gabrielle's shoulder as they layed there in silence for a while. As the night went on the fire began to burn out. As the flames began to die, the nook got darker. Soon it cast only a dim light. Gabrielle shivered a little as she felt it get colder. Noticing, Xena held her closer.

You want me to get the fire going again?

I'm okay, you keep me plenty warm.

She leaned against Xena a little more. Xena could still feel her shivering. Even though Gabrielle said she was okay, Xena got up to put more wood on the fire. She looked for the wood they had sitting next to the campfire. Even though it was getting dark, she knew where it was. But Xena couldn't find it.

Gabrielle, where's the wood?

Isn't it near the campfire?

It should be, but it's not here.

Did we use it all already?

I didn't think we did, but it's gone. So we must have. We're gonna have to deal with what we have until morning. It might no be that late, but it's already too dark and it's snowing too hard to be able to see anything out there.

Xena took off her armor, leaving on just the leather underneath.

You normally sleep in your armor, why'd you take it off?

Xena got back under the covers next to Gabrielle.

My armor will be too cold against you. Besides I don't think we need to worry about anyone just showing up and attacking us way out here.

Good point.

Gabrielle leaned against Xena.

You're right, this is more comfortable.

Xena smiled as she pulled her closer. Gabrielle draped her arm across Xena. As they layed there, Gabrielle couldn't seem to fall asleep. Xena noticed.

Are you too cold to fall asleep?

It's not that bad. And apparently you can't sleep either.

Xena looked at her and smirked.

(Joking tone) You know I can think of something that would warm us up.

Gabrielle gave a little chuckle.

I thought you said we needed to get some sleep.

(Sly tone) Oh I think my idea will help with that too.

Gabrielle ran her fingertips up and down Xena's arm.

(Enticing tone) Well if you think it'll help. Why don't you show me what you had in mind.

Xena let out a small chuckle as she knelt above Gabrielle. She began placing light kisses down Gabrielle's neck and chest. She ran her hands up Gabrielle's torso until she reached her boobs. Xena gently squeezed them as she passionately kissed Gabrielle. She continued to knead Gabrielle's chest as she pulled back. Xena began lifting Gabrielle's shirt. Gabrielle sat up, making it easier to get her top off. Once that was out of the way, Gabrielle kissed her again as she layed back down. Xena removed the rest of Gabrielle's clothes. Then she pulled off the last bit of her own clothing. Now with both of them totally bare, Xena grabbed the blanket, pulling it completely over them as she knelt over Gabrielle. She began running her fingers down Gabrielle's torso, slowly until she reached Gabrielle's womanhood. Gabrielle shuddered as she felt Xena trace her finger along her entrance. Xena began to rub against her, making Gabrielle's desire build. She teased Gabrielle like this for a bit. Making Gabrielle want Xena even more. Just as Gabrielle thought she might be driving mad from the teasing, she felt Xena push her fingers deep inside her. She let out a small gasp as Xena swiftly entered her. Gabrielle kissed Xena as she moved against Xena's hand. Xena gave her a smirk as she held Gabrielle still. She slowly began pulling out of Gabrielle, until just her fingertips touched her. Then she quickly drove them back in, making Gabrielle gasp loudly with enjoyment. Xena got closer to Gabrielle as she continued weaving her fingers in and out of Gabrielle's flower. Xena let out a low sultry growl as she enjoyed watching Gabrielle moan in pleasure. Gabrielle gripped the blanket underneath her as she felt Xena repeatedly drive into her. Using her free hand, Xena gently squeezed Gabrielle's boob. Gabrielle began breathing heavily as she felt herself getting closer to her finish. Xena preceded to go faster, harder and deeper into her. Making Gabrielle cry out in extacy. Xena knew that Gabrielle was nearing her climax. She got up to her knees, between Gabrielle's legs. While still moving inside her, Xena took her other hand and began rubbing Gabrielle's most sensitive spot. After only a few moments this, Gabrielle was completely overtaken by an immense wave of pure extacy. She tightly Clenched the blanket as Xena drew out her high. Sending Shockwave after Shockwave through her. After a little while Xena withdrew her fingers. She kissed Gabrielle as she moved next to her. She pulled Gabrielle against her as she tightly wrapped the two of them in the blanket. She smiled at Gabrielle.

Are you feeling warmer now?

(Giggle) Very.

Gabrielle snuggled closer to Xena.

I thought that would do the trick. We should really get some sleep now. We've got a ways to go tomorrow.

Gabrielle nodded as she already began drifting off. It wasn't long until they both fell asleep. Soon enough morning came. Xena and Gabrielle woke up and got dressed. They ate, then they packed up and handed back out into the cold, snowy climate. The two of them continued their journey up the mountain, completely unaware that they were not alone. They had been being followed ever since they first made their way into the wilderness at the mountains base. However that wouldn't last much longer. It wouldn't take long for them to learn that they were not alone on that mountain.


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