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Xena fought against her restraints as she watched Gabrielle hanging from her wrist in the center of the room. The kings people were just finishing getting everything ready and waiting for the kings go ahead to proceed. Gabrielle tried to get free, but there wasn't anything she could do. In a last stitch effort to reason with what ever shread of decency the king might still have, Xena spoke to the king.

I know you miss your wife. And I'm sorry, I know nothing I can say or do will bring her back. But I'm sure she was a good woman. That being said, do you really think you're honoring your wife's memory by doing this? Think about what she would want.

The king stared at Xena. Then he got up and went over to her. He stood in front of Xena for a moment, looking at her in disgust. Then he slapped Xena as hard as he could in the face.

How dare you even mention her. You don't know anything about the woman she was. So don't you even try and speak for her.

The king grabbed a dagger off the nearby table and held it to Xena's face.

You bring her up again and I'll have your tongue cut from that wretched mouth of yours.

The king turned and went back to his seat. Now even more angry and impatient, the king barked at his people.

Aren't you people done getting ready yet? How long does it really take to prepare to hurt someone.

One of the kings people apologized for the wait and told him that they were ready.

Good. Now let's get the festivities started.

The kings people approached Gabrielle as they got ready to carry out the kings evil demands. Gabrielle looked at Xena and smiled, keeping her focus on her.

I love you Xena.

Xena pulled at the restraints keeping her from intervening.


Then it began, Xena couldn't help but close her eyes as she heard Gabrielle cry out in pain. The king laughed as he watched Xena's reaction. Getting a sick satisfaction from seeing the anguish that he was inflicting.

What's wrong Xena? Is the sight of someone you love in so much pain too much for you to bare? Well too bad, because you're gonna watch.

The king laughed as he ordered one of his people to force Xena to watch what they were doing to Gabrielle. They walked over and grabbed Xena's hair to make her look at what was going on. As she was forced to watch the horrifying scene in front of her, Xena felt herself reach her breaking point. Everything that they had been through recently was all because of the king. All the danger. All the pain. It was all his fault. And Xena was not going to let him do anything else. Especially not to Gabrielle. Unbeknownst to the people making Xena look at Gabrielle, she had been pulling against her restraints. Trying to slip herself free. Finally Xena felt her hand finish working it's way out of the cuff that chained her to the wall. Wasting no time, Xena used her free arm to grab the one holding her. She quickly snapped his neck, instantly killing him. The king saw Xena do this, and quickly ordered his men to restrain her.

Get her!

The kings men began to attack Xena, trying to restrain her again. While still having one of her arms chained up, Xena fought against them. She used anything she could to fend them off. As they fought, Xena noticed the shackle keys that were hooked on the waist of one of the kings men. She quickly grabbed them and kicked him away. Then using the key, Xena unshackled her other hand. Now with all her limbs free Xena proceeded to unleash he full fury on everyone that dared to attack her. She blocked out any remaining physical pain that she still felt from their hellish journey days before. As she fought Xena grabbed one of the fallen guards swords and continued to take down anyone who came near her or Gabrielle. During the fight Xena took on some damage, but she still continued to fight on. Finally knowing that they were outmatched,  the kings men flead from the area.

Where are you going?! It's one woman. Come back and get her!

Xena finished off the last of the kings men that didn't run. Exhausted and in alot of pain, Xena turned her rage towards the king. She began to make her way over to him. Seeing the look of absolute hatred in her eyes, the king slowly began trying to back away. He backed up until he reached a wall. Realizing that even in her current condition he stood no chance against Xena, the king began to beg Xena to show him mercy. As he pleaded with Xena to spare his life, she only got madder. The fact that after everything he had done, he had the gaul to ask for mercy. She closed in on the king.

Mercy? After all you caused. You want me to show you mercy!

Xena stopped right in front of the king and glared at him.

I beg you, please. My need for revenge is satisfied. You're free. Take your friend and go. Iust leave me in peace. I beg you.

Xena was quiet for a moment.

Fine, I'll give you mercy.

With those words the king let down his guard, as he breathe a sigh of relief. That relief however was very shortly lived as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. The king staggered back as he gripped his stomach.

I'd show me mercy?

Compared to what I wanted to do to you, I did.

The king slowly stumbled over to a wall. Leaning against it, he slowly slid down and sat there motionless. Xena's attention quickly shifted to Gabrielle. She threw down the sword and raced to unhook Gabrielle from her chains.

(weakly) Xena.

It's alright now. It's over.

Xena got gently Gabrielle down and began undoing her restraints. As she did Gabrielle tried to say something.

Shh, we'll be out of here soon. Everything's gonna be alright. GAH!

Suddenly Xena felt a pain in the same spot in her back that she had been impaled before. She crumbled to her knees as she looked behind her seeing the king that she thought was dead had crawled over and drove a dagger into her back. Kneeling there, he laughed as he pulled the dagger out. Xena let out an angry yell as she snatched the dagger from the kings hand and in one swift motion slit open his throat. He made a horrible gurgling sound as he fell over and within seconds the king was dead. Xena looked at Gabrielle, giving her a small smile. Xena began to resume unlocking Gabrielle from the rest of her restraints. But as she was finishing, Gabrielle saw Xena become very pale.


Before Gabrielle could finish asking if she was okay, Xena's smile faded as her eyes slowly closed. She hung her head as she slumped over and just stayed that way. Gabrielle called her name a couple times, but got no response. Though very weak, she lightly shook Xena trying to get some sort of reaction. But still she got nothing. Xena just knelt there.



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