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The snow careened down the side of the mountain. Carrying Xena and Gabrielle down with it. There was nothing they could do. They were totally at the mercy of the raging avalanche that completely engulfed them. The mountain seemed to roar as the snow pelted them with an overwhelming force. They didn't know how long they had been falling, when everything finally came to a stop. The mountain calmed as only the sound of the wind could be heard. The heaping amount of snow settled in its new location. Blanketing the area. Everything was still, with no sign of anything or anyone. After a few minutes a small area of snow began to move. Suddenly a arm came up from under the snow. Pulling up behind it a very cold, snow covered, slightly dazed Gabrielle. Slowly Gabrielle dragged the rest of herself out of the snow pile. She layed on top of the snow for a moment as she got her barings. After a minute she sat up and looked around. Realizing what happened Gabrielle knew that Xena must've gotten caught in the avalanche too. She called out, hoping that Xena was nearby.


She waited a moment. But she didn't get a response. Gabrielle slowly made it to her feet. On her injured leg, she limped through the snow looking for Xena. She continued calling Xena's name as she searched through the storm. Hoping she was okay. As Gabrielle was continuing her search, she tripped over something in the snow. She fell to the ground. She wondered what could have possibly tripped her. Then it hit her.


Quickly Gabrielle crawled over and began to dig. Tossing the snow out of her way as she tried to find her.

Hold on Xena. I'll get you out.

She dug through the snow until she saw a bit of dark hair sticking out.

(thinking to herself) Found you.

Gabrielle dug quicker, trying to reach her. And get her out from under the snow. Suddenly Gabrielle jumped back, letting out a small scream. Startled by what she saw.

It's the banshee!

She sat there motionless for a moment. Waiting to see what it was going to do. After it didn't move during that time, Gabrielle grabbed one of her sais and cautiously poked at it. Nothing happened. She carefully got closer to inspect it. After looking it over, Gabrielle breath a sigh of relief. The banshee was dead. It had been killed during the avalanche. With the banshee no longer a threat, Gabrielle resumed her search for Xena. She combed the area, trying to find her.

(thinking to herself) Xena where are you? Please be okay.

Gabrielle fought the strong winds as scanned the area for any sign of Xena. She was becoming more and more concerned that Xena might not have survived the fall. Gabrielle quickly pushed those thoughts out of her mind. Convincing herself that Xena was fine and she was going to find her. Gabrielle continued searching. She called Xena's name again. Just praying to get a response. She wanted a moment, but got nothing. Gabrielle yelled again as loud as she could. Then she just stood there. As it began to sink in. She knew something must've happened to Xena.

No, Xena... XENA!!!

Gabrielle yelled into the sky, as she felt the gravity of the situation overwhelme her. Gabrielle sat in the snow as she tried to think of what to do.

(Thinking to herself) If I can't find Xena, there's no way I'm getting out of this. Not with my leg like this. I'm gonna die out here.

Gabrielle let herself fall back. Staring up, as the snow fell from the sky above.

(Thinking to herself) Based on everything else that's happened since meeting Xena, freezing to death on a mountain is not how I thought I was going go.

Gabrielle layed there, feeling like this was the end. The wind slowly died down, letting a silence fall over the area. Now all Gabrielle heard was the sound of herself breathing. She watched the snow as it fell down on her.

(thinking to herself) I guess this is it.

She sighed, as she closed her eyes. Accepting that this was probably going to be it for her. Gabrielle layed there for awhile, when she began to hear a small noise. She ignored it at first. Then she heard it again. Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Gabrielle sat up and tried to focus on the sound. She listened for a moment. Then she quickly shot up and began making her way towards were the sound was coming from.

Xena. I'm coming,

Gabrielle followed the sound of Xena's voice, as fast as she could. She staggered through the snow, trying to get to Xena. She looked around for a moment, then in the distance she finally spotted Xena. She was almost completely buried in the snow. Gabrielle breath a sigh of relief when she saw her. She quickly made her way over to Xena.

There you are. I was beginning to think something happened to you.

Gabrielle knelt down and began digging Xena out of the snow.


Don't worry I'm okay.

That's a relief. But...

Now let's get you out of there.

Gabrielle gave her a smile as she kept clearing the snow away.

Gabrielle, wait.

Gabrielle stopped and looked at Xena.

What, why?

You need to know something.

I'm sure what ever it is, you can tell me after your out of all this snow.

Gabrielle went back to clearing away the snow.

No, Gabrielle. Don't.

Gabrielle stopped once again. But not because of Xena's objections.
She looked at the snow in front of Xena, seeing that the color had changed. Gabrielle looked up at Xena with a look of concern on her face.


Xena gave her a sad smile. As Gabrielle carefully moved the rest of the snow that was obscuring her view, revealing a large branch that had impaled Xena during her fall from the avalanche. Gabrielle started trying to get her free, when Xena grabbed her hand. Gabrielle looked at her, as Xena shook her head. Implying that it was pointless to try and remove the branch. Gabrielle sat there beside Xena as it all began to sink in. Seeing the sadness in Gabrielle's eyes, Xena tried to confront her.

It's okay Gabrielle.

No, it's not okay Xena. None of this is okay.

Like the falling snow, tears streamed down Gabrielle's face as she layed over Xena, holding her.

Please Xena, don't leave me.


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