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The bitter wind blew as Xena and Gabrielle slowly carried on with their assent up the mountain. Though now their climb had become even more difficult due to Gabrielle's injured leg.

Let me know if you need to rest.

Thanks, but I'm okay. I've been in plenty worse shape than this.

I know.

Xena helped Gabrielle up over some rocks.

Still, don't push yourself too hard. We have plenty of time to reach the other side.

Gabrielle gave her a reassuring smile as they kept moving.

About how much further do you think it is to the top.

Hard to say. These are some big mountains. Not to mention the harsh conditions out here. Plus now with your leg. I think we're in for a long trip.

(Sarcastically) Great.

Xena and Gabrielle pushed forward. Making their way through the cold, harsh environment. As they went on it began snowing again.

I think we should stop and rest for a bit. I'll build a fire so we can wait for the snow to stop.

Gabrielle knew that Xena's real reason for wanting to stop was because of her concern for her injury. She was going to protest that she was fine to keep going but she was getting pretty cold. Plus she knew that trying to argue with Xena about it was pointless.

I'm not gonna say no to a nice warm fire right now.

They found a spot to sit and get a fire going. Xena and Gabrielle sat near the flames as they warmed themselves. After a bit the wind picked up as it began to snow harder. Xena looked up at the sky, realizing that they were in for some pretty nasty weather.

It looks like the weather's about to get bad. We should find some shelter until it passes.
Xena put out the fire. Then they set out to look for somewhere to hunker down until the storm passed. They searched for a place to wait out the storm. It didn't take long before the blizzard was pounding down on them in full force. The snow whipped around as they fought against the strong winds that blew at them head on. Xena lead the way with Gabrielle close behind.

Stay close Gabrielle.

Right behind you.

With the storm not showing any signs of letting up, they trudged onward. The storm had become so bad that it was a challenge just to see a few feet ahead. And not being able to see was only adding to their already difficult time. Between how dangerous the mountain had become and Gabrielle getting attacked and injured, Xena was beginning to regret taking this on. But it was too late to turn back now. She knew that they had no choice but to keep going.

You doing okay back there Gabrielle? ...Gabrielle?

Xena didn't get a response. She turned around, but she didn't see Gabrielle anywhere.


She tried to look through the snow, but couldn't see a thing around. Realizing that they had gotten separated, Xena headed back to find Gabrielle. Meanwhile Gabrielle had lost track of Xena as well. She had stopped to quickly readjust her bandage that was coming undone. It only took a minute, but when she was done she looked up and saw that Xena had disappeared in the blizzard.


Although they were pretty much blinded by the blizzard the two of them searched for one another. They didn't know it, but their yells were drowned out by the howling of the wind. Xena tried to see through the snow, hoping to spot some trace of Gabrielle.


She tried listening for a response. Finally she heard something. But it wasn't Gabrielle. Xena quickly drew her sword, recognizing that it was the same growling sound that they heard before Gabrielle was attacked.

Alright show yourself.

Xena got up on some rocks. Not wanting to get dragged under the snow, like it had tried to do with Gabrielle. She stood ready to fight. The growling got louder as Xena tried to pinpoint the mystery creatures location. Suddenly something shot out of the snow. It was so fast, Xena could only make out a basic shape. As it lept towards her, she deflected the attack as it disappeared back under the snow.
Xena kept her guard up, waiting for the next attack. Then it popped up again, striking at Xena. Again she blocked. This pattern continued for bit. Xena was becoming increasingly irritated by the creature's tactics.

(Thinking to herself) I don't have time for this. I need to find Gabrielle and get us out of this blizzard.

Xena dropped back into the snow. Trying to bait the creature to her.

Come on. Come and get me.

She waited for it to strike. Sure enough within minutes the creature fell for her trap and grabbed a hold of Xena, trying to pull her down.

Oh no you don't.

Xena drove her sword straight down into the snow by her feet. As she did, the creature let out an extremely loud screeching, screaming sound. It echoed throughout the whole area. It was such a high pitched, loud noise that Gabrielle, who was still a great distance from Xena's location, had to cover her ears too.

What is that?!

Xena pulled her sword back as she plugged her ears, trying to muffle the horrible sound. She only knew of one thing that could make this noise.

(Thinking to herself) Banshee.

Xena knew the stories that anyone who hears a banshee's scream would soon become their next victim. But she thought maybe since she clearly injured it, she might have time to escape. But Xena was frozen in place as the sound seemed to rattle through her whole body. After what seemed like forever, the screaming finaly stopped. Xena uncovered her ears as she looked around for any trace of the banshee. It seemed like she had chased it off. Xena was about to continue looking for Gabrielle when she heard another noise.

(Annoyed) Oh now what?

Suddenly she felt the snow around her begin to shift. She looked further up ahead to see snow rushing down towards her. The  banshee scream had started an avalanche. Xena tried to run through the deep snow in order to reach something to grab onto. But before she could reach anything, Xena got caught up and swept away by the avalanche. Gabrielle, who was still looking for Xena, heard a rumbling. Before she knew what was happening, Gabrielle also found herself being mercilessly tossed around, as she too got caught up in the plummeting snow. The two of them were sent crashing a good ways back down the deadly mountain. Though it didn't seem possible, things were about to go from bad to worse.


WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora