Chapter - 7

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Serkan worked on the ecological hotel project for twelve hour days and then hiked to Apollo's Temple at night trying to exhaust his body. He knew that Ceren had told him Eda didn't agree with Ayfer but he thought that Ceren was being kind, telling him what she thought he needed to hear. He was exhausted but he still couldn't sleep, every time he closed his eyes he heard Ayfer's words and saw Eda's shock. No, he was better away from them.

Early Monday morning he caught a flight back to Istanbul to be ready to meet Engin at the port project. They were taking over a project midway through construction from another company. He and Engin were going through all the specs, Serkan had concerns about some of the construction techniques that the prior company had used, they would pay specific attention to those areas.

Engin finally saw Serkan, he looked terrible. "Abi, you look like crap."

"Hello to you too Engin."

"Have you turned on your phone yet?"


"Serkan, Eda has been trying to reach you for days, the girl is going crazy. At least text her back."

"Engin, she is just feeling guilty, it's fine, I'll get over it."

"Give me your phone."

"Ne? No."

"Give. Me. Your. Phone." Engin grabbed Serkan's phone from him, turned it on and held it to his face for recognition. "I'm surprised it even recognizes you."

Serkan's phone was vibrating non-stop with messages, Engin tapped on Eda's name. "Now look at these, does this look like guilt you idiot."

Serkan read Eda's messages, there were over 100 of them the last sent this morning 'Gunaydin askim – please remember I love you and only you – I miss you so much – please let me know you're okay – I can't take not knowing that you're alright – please – I love you – this is me begging'. Serkan closed his eyes, blinking against the tears, not knowing what to text so he sent 'ILYSM – SB'.

Serkan's phone rang immediately, Engin motioned that he'd be over by the car, "Askim?" Eda asked before she started crying.

"Bebe, don't cry, please don't cry. I'm sorry I didn't text you or read your messages, I just turned my phone on now. Your hala was pretty clear."

"You idiot! Since when does anyone speak for me? You should know this! I just needed a bit of time to process it, maybe like a couple of hours and then we could have talked? But no, you go radio silence and I am searching all over town for you and can't find you. Where were you?"

"Eda, I'm at the site and have to start the inspection, it's going to take a while. I promise we can talk when I am finished okay?"

"Okay, and Serkan Bolat? I love you so much too."

Eda and Serkan both let out sighs of relief. They had long conversations ahead of them about Aptekin Bolat and his role in Eda's parents deaths but they were again secure in their love. Serkan felt the bands that had been tight around his chest for the past four days finally loosen.

"Okay Engin, let's get started. And thank you, really, thank you."

"Don't mention it."

They put on their hard hats and got started with the inspection. The site was massive so Serkan and Engin decided to split the site otherwise the inspection would never get completed. Engin and Serkan were standing in one of the newer areas with the foreman and three shift supervisors when a shout rang out. A section of the wall directly above them started to collapse onto the six men below.

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