Chapter - 22

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They could postpone their return to ArtLife no longer. Eda and Serkan had taken a couple of days for themselves to relax and spend time in their own bubble of happiness now that they had been reunited. Eda caught Serkan up on the activities that he had missed out on over the past weeks including her insistence that Semiha Yildrim be held responsible for the attempt to collapse the holding. She had this conversation with him as she was cutting his hair. She had sharp scissors in her hand, he wasn't arguing with her.

"Serkan, had you not ousted her when you did the letter would not have come to light until too late and you, Ferit and most of the investors would have been financially ruined. I refused to allow her to get away with it. Her shadow Tahir? They convinced him that it was worthwhile to testify against her so I think that the prosecution will go after her for other crimes."

"How does Ayfer feel about this? Did she have any concerns about you pressing forward with charges after all it is her mother."

"No, Hala accepted that it needed to be done. The other thing was the Ferit offered to go talk to Aptekin about my parents. You were right, she did have a part in their death. If you dug deep enough you would have found out that she owned the contracting company that was responsible for the collapse. So she and Aptekin shared the blame. She deserves whatever punishment they give her."

"I hate that you have to go through that over and over and that you had to do it again when you were dealing with my accident. It just shows me how strong you are."

"I didn't feel strong, mostly I felt lost. Your mother was my biggest supporter. Engin and Pyril, Ferit, Ceren, Melo, Fifi, all of them they tried, but Aydan anne was my rock. Leyla seemed to know the days where things were too much for me so she would send me to your old office. I cried a lot, we all cried."

"I hope to give you no more cause for sad tears. Only happy tears from here on if we cry at all."

Eda spoke with Dr. Malik and was able to schedule her appointment for the day after Serkan returned home. The doctor was surprised that Serkan Bolat was alive but Eda hanim had said he was and she was correct. Her weight loss had been understandable due to stress but Dr. Malik drove home to Eda the importance of eating healthy for the development of the child. Both of the Bolat's would need to work on this, these were not the same people that she met a couple of months ago.

"Let's do your ultrasound, we're on the edge of where we can find out the gender. If we can't tell today we can wait until the next visit or we can do the genetic panel that we discusses last visit."

Serkan was confused, "Is there a problem? Why would you do a genetic panel?"

"There is no problem, it is just considered to be a standard test now. It allows us to diagnose and treat the mother and child early in case there is anything detected. It's optional."

Eda was laying on the table ready for the ultrasound, Serkan could see how much thinner she was. It hurt to see the toll that his ordeal physically took on her.

"As you can see the baby is much more developed than our first ultrasound. Here you can see the fingers and toes. Let me see if I can move the position to see the gender."

Dr. Malik tried but their baby was stubborn and she couldn't get a good look to determine gender.

"I have a feeling that I am looking at a mini-Eda, she's that stubborn too," said Serkan.

"Ser-kan!" exclaimed Eda.

He leaned down and kissed her forehead, "You know I wouldn't have it any other way. It's up to you if you want to do the genetic testing but I'm okay waiting until the next visit to find out about our daughter."

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