Patchwork Staccato

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Dream wouldn't trade this moment for anything, not even the world.

He wouldn't trade the first rays of the morning sun caressing his face as he gets up earlier than he would like, yawning as he stumbles out of his apartment on his way to the shopping street. He wouldn't trade the roses' thorns pricking him into being fully awake, hissing as he remembers to put his gloves on so he can tend to their display for the day. He wouldn't trade the telltale tinkling of the small wind chime at their front door as the prerequisite to his best friend's arrival, chuckling as he goes up to greet him and pat down the stray strands of pink hair sticking out.

He would forever cherish growing up with Techno and starting their quaint little flower shop together.

Dream usually handles the customers and the flora, happily chatting away with the regulars and going on tangents when asked for suggestions. Techno usually handles the order listings and the finances, keeping an eye on all the money and goods that go in and out of their business. Their time together is characterized by echoes of laughter, lighthearted banter, and fond smiles tucked away in flower petals and lingering touches.

Something about the way it all feels so right makes his chest tighten as warmth blossoms in his heart.

Our time together so covered in patchwork, shall we soon put an end to it?

Cutting this thread to shreds, it'll scatter about in multiple colors

This day had been a slower one. There aren't any big holidays approaching, so their recent customers usually just asked for the odd birthday gifts or anniversary bouquets. On days like these, Dream will whine incessantly at Techno that they should leave early and go grab dinner before crashing at his apartment for a video game night. On days like these, Techno will roll his eyes and begrudgingly give in after a few minutes only to end up having the most fun when he absolutely destroys Dream no matter what game they play. On days like these, they end up falling asleep on the couch just slightly past midnight and going to work together the next day.

Except, to Dream's surprise, Techno is the one to clock out early this time.

"Oh!" He blinks and stands up from his seat at the counter, trying to make sure he's actually seeing things correctly. "You're leaving already?"

"Yeah." The other slings his tote bag strap over his shoulder, locking the storage room door behind him and pocketing the key. "You can go ahead too. I doubt there'll be anyone going in last minute."

"Damn, I can't remember the last time you left early." Dream sits back down and spins around on his chair as he ponders. Maybe he could ask him if he wants to hang out, like usual. "What, you have a date or something?"

It was an offhand remark, one made in simple jest. With things like these, Techno would just shake his head and laugh it off. And yet, right now, there's a distinctly incriminating silence punctuated by the beginnings of a blush on pale cheeks that speaks more than enough volumes.

"Techno..." He doesn't know what to say beyond the heavy realization that he has to swallow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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