Chapter Nineteen: Almost Like Magic

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Early evening passed in a blur. Paladin Kors sent four of his men to the Conservatory on Alori's stags, returning within the hour with her carriage. Yuka was still unconscious, so Reeve and Taelan helped the guards load him into the coach, propping him up between them on the bench opposite Alori and Kors. His head lolled to the side, messy blue strands of hair mingling with Reeve's chocolate curls.

Alori was still getting used to the idea that the two bards were a couple. It wasn't exactly surprising of Reeve, she'd had a feeling about him since that first afternoon in the courtyard. 

But Yuka–? She still didn't know what to make of him.

"I hope he wakes up soon."

Fox leaned against the side of the coach, peering in at them through the open door. Reeve set his jaw, staring out the window so that she and Taelan were forced to lead the conversation.

Alori said her farewells to the patrollers and Hira, advising Myka and Fox to expect a formal summons to the capitol in the coming weeks. She wanted to recognize them for the courage they'd displayed. If things went well during their visit, and she was able to convince her father, she might even entertain the idea of offering them promotions. Over the next year and a half, she needed to form a council of advisors, and it seemed prudent that she should cherry-pick her appointments from among those she could count on.

She'd find an appropriate way to thank Hira, too. But how could she possibly repay the person who had saved her life?

Kors had suggested sending Hira to Ville-Saseum to stand trial with Thelix, but Alori had disavowed him of that notion. After a heated exchange, they'd compromised, with Kors agreeing to send two guardsmen to shadow Hira and confirm that her story checked out. In the morning, so long as everything went well, she would come to the Conservatory for a follow-up evaluation of Yuka.

Fox thumped the coach's bumper as the carriage pulled onto the cobbled road out of Ville-Tokki. Myka and Hira waved, their silhouettes gray against the darkening night. When they disappeared along the horizon, Alori sat back from the window and closed her eyes. Kors' greaves jutted painfully into her calves, but she was too weary to ask him to move, and soon fell asleep.

Her catnap didn't last long enough by half. After a few minutes of fitful rest, she awoke to harsh light hitting her face, feeling somehow worse than before. The glass dome of the Conservatory stood out like a lighthouse shining in the dark. It was odd being back at the building, after the surreal day they'd had. Alori felt like a ghost drifting the halls to her room. Taelan embraced her one last time in front of her door, where Hamoni stood waiting. He was reluctant to let her go, but she didn't think it would be fair to her grandmother if Taelan were present while they discussed Alori's transgressions, which she was certain was forthcoming.

But the marchioness only folded Alori into a tight hug after Taelan excused himself, and when she finally stepped away, it was to offer a hot bath, a tray of charcuterie, and a tall glass of wine– everything a girl could ask for after one of the worst days of her life.

Well, almost everything.

Hamoni forbade Alori to speak about the demon, claiming she had already been briefed by Kors' second in command and would conference with Kors and Tomso again before the night was over. If Alori had been less exhausted, she might have complained about being kept out of the loop, but it was hard enough just keeping her eyes open.

She ate until her stomach ached, then sank into the floral scented water, unsure if she would ever emerge. A voice in the back of her head nagged at her, judging her with harsh criticism. Hadn't she been complaining an hour ago that no one took her seriously? Now she was hiding in her room, in the bathtub, like a pampered princess. She was proving them all right, each person who didn't think she was cut out to be queen.

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