Chapter Thirty: A Royal Wedding

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Alori woke up and rolled over, seeking the familiar comforts of warm skin and cinnamon. But Taelan wasn't in bed with her. She peeled her eyes open and glanced across the room. A sumptuous lavender gown hung suspended in front of her wardrobe, the intricate beadwork in the tulle skirt catching the soft morning light and glimmering with iridescence that reminded her of her shield over Ville-Saseum.

Liahfey had outdone herself this time, designing a wedding dress fit for a future queen. It was both elegant and understated, qualities Alori hoped to emulate.

The clock on her side table confirmed it was too early for anyone to be knocking, but that wouldn't last long. Since relieving her maid of her duties, Alori had enjoyed attending to herself. At the Conservatory she'd learned that it didn't take an excessive amount of magic to tighten a corset or pin her hair back, and she was disinclined to wear the type of dresses that required much fuss, anyway. There was also the fact that Taelan had been with her each night, eager to lend as many hands as needed, for as many purposes as she could name. The privacy was nice, and Alori was starting to think she might not need a dedicated lady's maid. But things would be different today. The knocks would come, eventually. The hustle and bustle of assistance was inevitable on one's wedding day!

The past several weeks had been a welcome respite after the drama that had enshrouded her fateful trip to the Conservatory. Life had started to feel normal again. Better than normal, in fact. The days had been lovely, almost surreal, like she was living in a happy dream. Alori couldn't wait to see Taelan at the altar in his traditional Ville-Youan suit. The rigmarole was all a bit tedious and over the top, but it would be worth it. At the end of the day, they would be wed. 

Not that the law needed to recognize their union. Every official in the Ville-Realms could have refused their marriage license, and Alori would still have chosen Taelan to walk beside her down the aisle today, and forever afterward.

Her pulse quickened as she passed the chaise longue on her way to the washroom. Steamy memories had her regretting that her fiancé had spent the night downstairs with Reeve and Yuka, catching up on everything the latter two had missed since they'd returned to the Conservatory.

Their visiting bard friends didn't know it yet, but Taelan would be offering them roles in Alori's court. After a lengthy discussion with her father and his advisors, Alori had decided to appoint Reeve and Yuka as Bard Liaisons to the Crown. If they accepted the promotion, they would begin working under direction of the future queen and bard prince as honorary council members. Some within the court were bound to find the appointments queer and unorthodox, as a few of the sitting councilors had done. Bards weren't traditionally members of the queen's advisory, aside from the bard prince, but Alori couldn't forget how well they'd worked together in Ville-Tokki, and it seemed like a missed opportunity not to maximize her strengths. If a war with demons was brewing, they needed to be prepared. Even if that meant her new liaisons would have to push through any awkward lingering tension.

Alori wasn't overly worried. There was already more positive than negative energy between the four of them. Taelan meant the world to her, and Yuka was finally starting to show Reeve the respect their relationship deserved. The rest would hash out sooner or later. Like anything else, it would just take time.

The first knock sounded on Alori's antechamber door as she was finishing up her bath. Was it ten already? 

She smoothed her hands down the length of her robe, took a steadying breath, and went to greet Taelan's mother.

Mrs. Lee had been at the palace eight days now, and planned on making the move permanent once her affairs were settled. Alori had come to find out Taelan's mother ran a successful florist shop in Ville-You, and the palace had used her talents on occasion. Prior to a week ago, Alori hadn't realized just how many plants and flowers were native to each realm. Taelan's mother had insisted on lending a hand in procuring floral arrangements for the wedding, and Alori was grateful for the help, but none of that made her less nervous as another knock came at the door.

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