Chapter Twenty-Two: Trepidatious Steps Forward

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Charging the shield wasn't strenuous labor, but after the hellish day and unpredictable night, it proved a tiring task. Alori had hoped that the first time working with her bard prince in an official capacity would be one of the greatest moments of her life. Instead she was plagued with fear and uncertainty. By the time they were done, having threaded her Shieldmaker magic through three of Taelan's songs, similar to how they had repaired the breach in Ville-Tokki, they were both yawning.

Alori stepped away from her workspace in front of the windows. "Let's go back down before we're too tired to manage the stairs."

"Good idea." Taelan scooted away from the piano, tucking the bench under the keyboard as he stood up. "I would offer to carry you, but something tells me you're better equipped for this than me."

She smiled wearily. It was all she could do not to break down in tears again.

The next few minutes were bound to be awkward. It was late, and she wasn't ready to pick up where they'd left off at the Conservatory, before Reeve had pounded on her bedchamber door. The innocent thought of sleeping beside Taelan was painfully tempting, but she couldn't bring herself to invite him back to her apartments. Before they took their relationship any further, she had to decide what she would do about Yuka. Taelan hadn't said anything, but she knew he suspected the mind-meld was to blame for her changed mood toward him, and she respected him too much to pretend he was imagining it.

A somber aura followed them down from the spire. Liahfey was waiting near the bottom of the staircase, her tall heels clicking over the marble floor as she glided toward them in the corridor

"Ali, finally. What took you two so long?" She batted the air with her hands, her cheeks reddening. "Don't answer that, actually... Guess what? Mendmaster Doari says your friend will be just fine!"

It was wonderful news, but Alori's stomach lurched upon hearing it.

"Is he awake?"

Liahfey's few cascading curls shivered as she shook her head. "I don't think so, but his fever has broken and they're confident he'll wake up soon. I came straight away to tell you."

"Thank you, Lia." Alori glanced at the clock below the mezzanine. "You should go on and get your beauty rest. Now that the excitement is over, there's no reason to be out wandering the halls."

She sounded dull and matronly, and possibly even petty, but she couldn't wish Liahfey a good night. It would have been another lie. She continued past her sister on wooden legs, ignoring the insulted expression she knew she'd find on the second princess' face if she turned around.

"Why don't you go check on Reeve?" She squeezed Taelan's arm as they crossed into the Amethyst wing. "I've been occupying so much of your time the last few days, and I'm sure you two have things you'd like to discuss without me around. I should probably take my own advice and put myself to bed, but please give him my best. With any luck, tomorrow will be less chaotic."

"I hope so." He laid his palm over her gloved hand, another trepidatious question in his hooded gaze.

She glanced past him down the dimly lit corridor, heat rising to her cheeks. As much as she wanted to give him a different answer, she couldn't.

He let out a quiet sigh of understanding. "Sleep well, my lady. I'll let Reeve know he's in your thoughts. "

"Thank you."

There was so much more she wanted to say, but the words caught in her throat. How was it that she could feel both hollowed out and overwhelmed at the same time?

Alori stood watching Taelan a moment longer, then turned and headed down a connecting hallway. She was halfway to her apartments on the second floor before she realized she hadn't confirmed his sleeping arrangements were settled with the butler. Until they were wed, her fiancé would be treated as any other honored guest of the royal family, which meant that Taelan would be accommodated in the Amethyst wing with Reeve– and Yuka, once he woke up.

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