Chapter 9

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A short time later I went back to our room and noticed Daniel had just sat in bed, without his shirt, my face flushed. It was summer, so it was rather hot, but England isn't exactly a warm. We laid down and went to sleep.


The next morning, I groaned and sat up, trying to wake up, I looked over to Daniel, he was still asleep; his chest rising and falling as he breathed. I swung my legs over the bed and got changed into my uniform before going to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

Daniel came out, in his sleepwear and his hair was messy yet fluffy from bed. "You should at least get changed before coming out for breakfast" I scolded after looking at him, trying to keep the blush from my face from seeing his fluffy hair.

Daniel laughed "I'm too tried to get changed, I was also shocked to see that you were gone, it was unusual" he said, going behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder, kissing the flesh were my shoulder and neck met.

"Unless you want to be burnt, I suggest you move away, and maybe get changed, the temperature is bound to drop, and you'll get a cold" I said. Daniel kissed my temple and smiled lightly, before going back into our room.

I finished cooking breakfast and served it, just in time for Daniel to get to the table. We finished breakfast, making small talk. Daniel and I did the dishes, and put them away, I glance at the time "It's 9 o'clock! You'll be late if you don't leave soon, if you want, I can go with you, since I've still got an hour till work, but you don't" I said.

I heard Daniel curse softly "You can come with me if you want, just so you know how to get to my work" he said before rushing to our room. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth; Daniel came in once I finished and he had started brushing his teeth while I brushed my hair, doing the same hairstyle as yesterday. Daniel had started to neaten his hair when I had finished. I went into our room and put a tie on and then my shoes.

I saw Daniel come out shortly after, I glanced at the time "Do you think you can make a sandwich for lunch? Or do you want me to quickly make one now?" I asked.
Daniel thought for a short second "I'll make it myself, or before you go to work you can leave it out on the table or ice box" Daniel said, I nodded.

"Come on, if we wait much longer, you'll be late" I scolded, grabbing his hand getting him out the door, I let his hand go as I locked the door. We walked for 40 odd minutes until we got there. I got there, and looked around, we went inside, and Daniel introduced me to the receptionist, we nodded at each other "Well, I ought to get going so I can make lunch before going to work, see you this afternoon, and remind me that we need to go shopping before we forget" I said, waving him off.

The women behind the desk asked Daniel what the shopping was about, and he explained that we just moved here, and didn't have much at the apartment since he had previously lived in a rooming house, so didn't have many things himself, and he mentioned that I just started university, so I had lived with my adoptive parents till now. The receptionist made a sound of understanding.

I got to the apartment and looked at my watch, I still had 20 minutes till my shift started. I made Daniel and myself a sandwich for luncheon. I decided to leave for work early, although not as early as yesterday. I made sure to take my time and got there in 4 minutes. I noticed that one of my co-workers had come. "Good morning" I said.

"Good morning, err, I'm sorry, I don't know your name" She said.
I nodded "I'm Gretchen Whitestone, and you are?" I asked, not knowing the girl.
"Oh, I'm Isabelle Brown, I can't help but notice your accent, where are you from?" She asked me.
"Oh, I'm from Germany" I explained
"But Whitestone isn't German" She asked again.
"It's my adoptive parents name, my real last name is German, but my family in England have a different last name, so I changed it" I explained.
"Fair enough. Are you a university student?" She asked me.

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