Chapter 48

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August 20th

Daniel Pov

I was about to leave when my editor, Geoffrey Dawson pulled me aside with Samuel and John. "I have a report for you to do in December for a couple of months in Germany," he explained.
"Sir, Mr Dawson, I really shouldn't go on this report," I said.
Mr Dawson eyed me off, "You are going to Frankfurt, is there a problem with it?" he asked.
I sighed, "Mr Dawson, I'm Jewish, while I haven't been to Germany for a few years, but if I were to go there it's like me committing suicide. If it were Berlin or Munich, I'd be recognised and my death would be ordered. They know I'm Jewish, and some might know I worked at Munich Post. Germany is a National Socialist, or Nazi, country, if you don't follow them, and Mr Hitler, you might as well consider yourself dead," I augured.

"Mr Schröder, you'll be protected by English law, and we need you, you are the only person here who can speak German and translate for us," he explained.
"Mr Dawson, I can't just leave my family and fiancé, we all know how I might end up dead if I go. My parents were in Germany and were being treated poorly for their religion," I explained.

"Mr Schröder, you don't have to mention your religion, and you aren't in Munich or Berlin, so you'll be fine. This isn't up for discussion," he said sternly.

Gretchen Pov

I had just gotten home when I saw Daniel on the couch, his expression grim. I took my shoes off and switched them for my indoor shoes. I walked over to him and sat on the couch next to him, "Daniel, are you ok?" I asked, holding his hand.

Daniel sighed, "I have to go to Germany next year," he said, looking towards me, his eyes watering.
I looked at him, shocked, "What!?" I said, taken aback, "Why? Are you crazy?" I asked, already starting to get worried.

Daniel looked up, "The Times is going to have a report in Germany. I've been told I have to go as a translator." He muttered, looking at me, "I'm afraid I have no say on the matter since I'm the only one who can speak German. I tried to argue saying that I'm Jewish, and with what is happening in Germany, it's practically suicide, they said that as long as I'm an English citizen, and I'm with the two other men who are also going, I shouldn't be in any danger. Thankfully it'll be Frankfurt, so I might be able to pay Ruth and her parents a visit. That also means I shouldn't be recognised, I have changed since my last photograph, besides, I've done some research and was able to send my German-England correspondent some details on Fräulein Junge's murder, from my understanding my name has been cleared, more of the point, there isn't a death warrant over my head, but they do believe I'm somehow involved, like an accomplice or something like that," Daniel explained, with a slight smile.

"Daniel, when are you going?" I asked.
"January, it should be for a couple of months, so I should be back some point in early March," Daniel explained.
I nodded, "I would ask to see if I can come along, I couldn't live with myself if you die there, but I know I can't. But what I will say is, be careful, and maybe alter your appearance, grow a beard or moustache. While I don't know what to think of it, as I've only known you clean-shaven, it'd help hide your identity, only people who know you should recognise you," I explained.

Daniel chuckled slightly, "That's a good idea, perhaps I should start working on a moustache in October, I'm sure it won't look nice, but I see what you are saying, just promise you won't make fun of it," he said, his ears glowing red.

I laughed slightly, "Not out loud, I'm sure it'd look odd for a while, but I'll get used to it soon enough, and the purpose of it is to hide your identity from people who don't know you," I commented.

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