Chapter 40

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Frau Cohen nodded, "Just a few requests, first, what time of year are you planning the wedding? And may I have a few clippings of what you have in mind, or a combination of which, I'll sketch up a design for you, or a few ideas, and choose one you like, or suggest changes, from there we see how things work," Frau Cohen said, yet again very professional.
I nodded, "The wedding would probably be in summer of spring, so fairly warm weather," I explained.
Frau Cohen nodded, "I'll work on a few designs and show you," she said, I nodded in understanding.


After a some talk about some more details I left and joined Daniel. He raised an eyebrow, "I take it everything is ok?" he asked as we returned to our room.
I nodded, "Just talk about the dress," I explained.
Daniel nodded, and wrapped an arm around my waist and went into our bed.

February 14th

I woke up to Daniels heavy breathing, I turned over to him and noticed he looked pale. I sat up and ran my fingers through his soft hair, he woke up and had to blow his nose "Are you feeling ok?" I asked.

He turned to me "I'm fine, it's just the cold weather" he said. I nodded unsurely.

"I'll make you some chicken noddle soup, if you feel worse, let me know" I said as I stood up. I put a long sleaved back dress that brushed my knees, there was a fabric belt with a gold buckle. I left my hair out since the Cohens shouldn't be awake, and put stockings on, not bothering with shoes. (Please note in lots of European countries that people don't often wear shoes indoors, or have indoor shoes, and Germany isn't much different, so I feel that Gretchen and the Cohens would follow these rules)
Daniel had stayed in bed, I felt slightly embarrassed since I knew he had been looking at me when I got changed.

I made some soup for Daniel, and I brought it up to Daniel and placed it on the bed side table "Do you want to call in sick, I'm sure I could leave early and give you some papers if you don't have them here" I offered.
Daniel sighed "I've got my papers here, don't worry yourself over it" Daniel sighed.
I smiled "Be careful not to over do it, and your parents will be informed, so they make sure you don't while I'm away." I informed him.
Daniel chuckled lightly "I love you" he muttered.
I nodded "I love you too" I said quickly kissing his hair, when I pulled back and messaged his head lightly.

I went downstairs again and made some breakfast for the rest of the Cohens. I saw Frau Cohen downstairs, "I heard you earlier, what was that about?" She asked.
I sighed, "Daniel has come down with a cold, so please make sure he doesn't overwork himself since he'll be working on some paperwork," I explained.
Frau Cohen didn't seem happy, "And you aren't mad at him?" she asked.

I looked at her shocked, "Why on earth would I be mad?" I questioned her.
She sighed, "You know what date it is, right?" she reminded me.
I nodded, "Yes, February 14th, Valentine's Day. I'll be honest, I have no good memories with Daniel on this date, in 1932 we were still so early in our relationship we did nothing, in 1933 we were unable to do anything due to work and school. And last year, well, something happened which might've ended our relationship," I explained.
Frau Cohen raised an eyebrow, "That being?" she pushed.
"It doesn't matter, it's the past, and a simple misunderstanding, and I don't think it concerns you. Go ask Daniel if you really must know," I said, feeling my voice crack slightly from the memory.

I made a quick breakfast for everyone and left, returning to my room. I saw Daniel was finishing his breakfast, looking worse than he did when we woke up. Daniel looked at me cautiously, "Do I want to know what has happened?" Daniel asked.

I sighed, "Nothing too much, I really don't know what's up with your mother, if she is trying to nice, or trying to push me over the edge..." I explained sitting down, putting my head in my hands.
I don't know how harsh I sounded, I was going to speak, but Daniel spoke first, "Want to tell me what happened?" he offered.

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