Chapter 24

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Helltaker POV

It's nice to finally be home. I think as I walk through the front door.

I see that Malina and Zdrada are on the couch with Malina playing some game. Zdrada had her legs across Malina's lap, and I was suprised she hadn't pushed them off yet. It seems they have gotten closer.

Zdrada:"Oh hey Taker. Y/n is back."

"That's good.... wait what!?" I ask realizing what she just said.

Zdrada:"Yeah Azazel sent him to the void, but everything's okay now. I mean... Azazel is back... a few mental problems though."

Malina:"Lucifer knows them- BULLSHIT!"

I leave to teh kitchen as Malina starts to yell at the screen and Zdrada begins to laugh.

Getitng to the kitchen I see Lucifer and Beelzebub. Both of their faces light up when they see me and Lucifer rushes over and hugs me.

Lucifer:"Helltaker I'm so glad you're back!"

"I heard my brothers back." I say and she nods.

Lucifer:"Upstair with Judgement, they're both pampering Justice."

"Also what's this about Azazel?" I ask and she sighs.

Lucifer begins to tell me about Azazel turning into Loremaster, then Y/n coming back and reverting her and freeing Judgement from being a battery.

"And Azazel has mental illnesses now?"


Beelzebub:"To be exact. PTSD, Aichmophobia (intense fear of sharp objects), minor bibliophobia (fear of books), and finally Caecophobia (fear of blind people)."

"I see."

Lucifer:"She also is scared of certain words. Loremaster, Y/n, hate, Justice, Judgement, demon. She is incredibly scared of your brother now. She refuses to touch a book or even notepad or pick up a pencil or pen."

Beelzebub:"She has been denying the fact that she is now a demon, completely refuting the idea to the point she ripped her remaining horn and rest of her tail off."

Lucifer:"She's in a hospital getting help, but seems like it's going to be a while before any progress is made."

"Well Y/n didn't kill her." I say rubbing my temples.

Beelzebub:"In a way he did, she'll never be the person she once was again. Though I am suprised she hasn't ripped her white hair out. I'd be suprised if she hasn't retreated into her own reality within a week."

"You said he's upstairs right?" I ask and they nod.

Lucifer:"He seems to only close his eyes around Justice and Judgement. So that's a new thing."

Nodding I get up from the table and begin to head upstairs.


Justice:"Guys I'm fine really, theirs no need for all of this."

Judgement:"You need to be comfortable."

"I second that."

Justice:"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't do things."

"Just let us pamper you."

Judgement:"Yeah, you deserve it anyways."

Justice:"Fine, if you two insist."

Walking over to Justice I give her a kiss on the cheek, well I try to but I think I kissed her eyes instead.

Justice:"It's really great to have you two back."

White Eyed Bond (Judgement x blindmalereader x Justice)Where stories live. Discover now