Chapter 9

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3rd person P.O.V:

Issei: *huff* *huuf*

Rias: "your almost there, just a few more feet"

Akeno: "visualize Issei"

Both Rias and Akeno said words of encouragement towards Issei.

Issei: *huff* "coming".

Asia: "Rias, should I go get some of those bags for him?"

Asia asked worried about Issei's condition

Rias: "he'll be ok. He needs to learn to be able to carry that much on his own".

Rias told Asia.

Kiba: "on your right".

Kiba said as he passes Issei.

Issei: "seriously. did they give a bag of fathers or something?!".

Issei said not relealize that Kobeko is carrying a bag 10x the size of Kiba's bag.

Koneko: *monotone* "move it".

Koneko said to the pervert, passing him up.

Issei: "gah".

Issei choked when he saw how much Koneko was carrying before falling backwards on his back, complaining.

Issei: "I hate this".

Rias was shocked at the sight before a smile appeared on her face.

-somewhere else-

When can see y/n in a destroyed part of a forest huffing and puffing.

Y/n : *huff* *huff*

Y/n than created a light spear in his hand, but... Something was different about it. It was black with a red hue around it. Y/n than threw light, dark spear into the sky before out streching his hand towards it and saying...

Y/n: "burst open and scatter!"

Y/n said before closing his hand into a fist. As a result, the light, dark spear that he threw into the sky began to glow brightly before splitting into more smalling version of it self. With just a wave of his hand going down, all the spears in the sky began to rapid descend/fall towards the ground before creating a small crater upon impact with the reat of them destroying the surrounding area.

As the small explosions begin to die down, y/n looked upon the area with a somewhat content look on his face,and yet... Also not looking satisfied.

Gandora: "are you pleased with yourself".

Y/n: "why wouldn't I be? I just finished getting the hang of this technique".

Gandora: "then why are you dissatisfied?"

Gandora asked Y/n.

Y/n: "because this is nowhere near the destruction that I seek, that I long for".

Gandora: "is that so?"

Y/n: "yes it is. At the moment I could possibly and quite easily destroy the human realm. But than, what about the supernatural world? The angel, fallen angels, devils and even gods? I may have the power to take on a few of them or even an army, but I don't have the power to destroy gods".

Gandora: "that's not true".

Y/n: "what do you mean?"

Y/n asksed his partner.

Gandora: "you do have the power to destroy gods".

Y/n: "oh yeah, then how would I do that?"

Gandora: "you will know when the time is ready".

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