Chapter 1

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3rd Person P.O.V:

Walking through the school grounds is the new student. While all the girls had eyes of love, the guys had eyes of hate and jealousy.

This new student is none other than, y/n, y/n Kaizel.

This new student is none other than, y/n, y/n Kaizel

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Random girl: oh my god, do you see him?

Random girl2: you think he has a girlfriend.

Random girl: if so, I hope she doesn't mind sharing him.

These were some of the things y/n heard from the girls. As the boys...

Random dude: damn it man, he's taking all the girls from us.

Random dude2: not if I have another to say about it.

Random dude: don't do it dude! He'll kick your ass!

As y/n was walking to the door of the building, a wild idiot appeared.

Random dude2: Hey, mister hotshot! You think just because your hot you can have any girl you want and not save any for us?!

Y/n: before I answer your question, can you first answer mine?

Random dude2: ok.

Y/n: what's that on the floor?

Random dude2: what's what on the Flo-AGH!

But he was cut off as a heel connected with the back of his head, slammed his face into the ground.

Y/n:  your face.

As Y/N proceeds to then literally walk over him as he stepped on the guys body.

Just before he entered the building, he heard some commotion coming from around the corner. As he turned the corner, he sees 2 idiots looking through a hole in the wall, while the last one complains.

Y/n snuck up behind the idiot who was complaining and slammed his fist into the back of his head, knocking him into the ground with a loud thud.

This caused not only the 2 other peeping toms to gwt scared and stop what they were doing, but also alarted the kendo club.

Dumb: h-hey men, whatcha doing over hear.

Y/n: nothing much, just heard some noises coming over here and decided to check it out.

Both the peeping toms looked over and saw their friend unconscious.

Dumber: w-what d-did you do t-to him?

Y/n: oh you mean this piece are garbage?

As he lifts up issei's unconscious body and hung him a tree by his collar.

Y/n: he looked tired so I put him to sleep. Oh my, don't tell me your both also tired?

Dumb: n-no no, w-we're fine right, Motohama.

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