Chapter 6

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Issei's P.O.V:

"Sup you guys".

He said as I enter the club building, only to be meeted with a bra in his face.

"Whoa, Dude this is totally a bra, but what is doing in here?".

I said before I heard the sound of someone humming.

"I'm totally holding a titty hammock".

I said before I get hit in the back of the head with a labster by Koneko.

Koneko(monotone): "did you see anything you like you big pervert?"

"It's not what it looks like".

I tried to explain

Asia: "hey is that my bra?"

Koneko(monotone): "I think he's gonna put it on and wear it around".


Asia: "oh please don't".

I rush back over to tey and put it back

"Its not like that it just happens to get caught on my face".

I said before dropping them

Asia: "I'm so sorry. I know I'm a visiter her, I really hate being in the way".

"No its fine. As a matter of fact having you around definitely has its perks".

I said as I looked over at her white panties that were hanging next to me

Asia: "well it won't be for much longer, I was gonna stay at Y/n's place but I haven't seen him in awhile".

'That's right, Asia doesn't know that Y/n was the one who set her up at the church. We all agreed that no one is allowed to bring up him or tell Asia about what he did. Cause if we did, it would ruin her. Her first friend... Betrayed her and was willing to let her die. Never... I will never forgive him for that!'

Asia: "Issei are you ok your hand is bleeding?!"

Asia said as I looked down at my left hand and see blood in it. I must have been clinching my fist to hard thinking of Him.

"Don't worry about it, it heal I promise".

Asia: "if you say so. Oh, but the president said she'd found me a place to stay before she went to school".


"Early morning training?".

I said in confusion

Rias: "your fight with the Fallen Angels made one thing clear we need to get your worked up to your peak physical condition as soon as we possibly can".

"Oh, great".

I said with sarcasm

Rias: "and also... To get you ready just incase he every shows up to to you".

Rias said in a serious tone.

'yeah, I need to get stronger, I need to be able to match him if I want to be able to protect my friends and the people I care about'.

Rias: "I'll come pick you up in the morning does 5 sound good?".

"No that's nuts, I mean that's sound fine. Well, I'm off to pass out flyers".

I said before leaving.

Rias: "perfect I'll see you soon".

3rd Person P.O.V:

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