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It was lucky he was used to insults and goads or the whole Slytherin common room would have been what the dungeons should have looked like. It was like all the bullies in all the schools put together in one common room and he was put there just to torture him.

The Sorting Hat was probably trying to anger him when it put him on the house. How would a house full of bullies and Narcissus clones help him? He wasn't narcissistic and he definitely didn't bully anyone. In fact, it was the other way around.

By the morning, he was only waiting for one casualty before releasing himself from his self-disciplinary chains and blast that idiotic Magnus Marle to the depths of Tartarus. The little idiot just won't stop whining: "...filthy Mudblood...unfit to be a wizard...taining the thresholds of the Slytherin house with dirt..." Nico didn't really mind the insults, what he did mind was the guy always looking for an opportunity to be somewhere near him so he could whisper the insults in his ear.

Sharing a dormitory with him wasn't helping either. Especially since the others were very nosy as well.

The others who didn't were too afraid to even look at him.

He liked those ones.

He was able to wake up before dawn and sneak out of the dormitory and shower before anyone could catch him up and have the opportunity to: a) shrink on fear, or b) insult him with insults which he didn't even understand. He was already in the entrance hall an hour before they woke up and had already explored most of the school.

He was moving his food around the table when a man in a robe with a dark complexion and eyes that seemed to immediately disapprove of him came walking in his direction with a piece of parchment in his hand. His eyes were narrowed at Nico when he met the man's eyes. He didn't even flinch.

When the man was directly in front of him, he handed over a parchment. "Your schedule, don't mess it up, Mr. Di Angelo." The man said.

Nico was in no mood to play the dumb newbie but he swallowed his anger and took the parchment. "Um...thanks, I guess." He muttered.

"That's Professor Zabini to you."

"Thanks, then, Professor Zabini."


Nico glared at him freely. He was starting to dislike this guy. He hadn't noticed he was starting to crumple up the parchment in his hand as he made a fist under the table.

"I am the Head Teacher of Slytherin and if anything...particularly troublesome happens to you, or any other Slytherin for that matter, you will answer to me. Just because I'm your head teacher, doesn't mean I'll let you off easy." He said, folding his arms over the front of his robes. "I hope that will encourage you from keeping yourself away from trouble then, di Angelo."

He didn't answer. He will keep himself away from trouble. That wasn't the problem, the problem is the fact that no matter how hard he tries to keep himself away from it, it still finds him.

Your life is like that if you're a demigod.

"Understood, then, di Angelo?" Professor Zabini snapped.

Nico narrowed his eyes. "Perfectly." He said sarcastically before dutifully turning his back on the teacher and resuming to poke his food. Even if he won't make their punishments easy, doesn't mean he wouldn't look for a way to keep his students from being in trouble.

The teach - professor, walked away.

It took him a while to realize that he was still clutching the piece of parchment in his hand. He glanced at it and internally groaned. He almost forgot he had dyslexia. Great. He smoothed it out and tried to concentrate in deciphering it...then he remembered the spell Hecate taught him.

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