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Nico didn't really want to be out on the Quidditch Pitch, even if it was only for moral support for his friend. Being elevated up that high and so open to the sky made him uncomfortable. But, he didn't want a wand pointed at his face either, so he decided to take the risk.

He managed to convince Scorpius that he wouldn't be attending the trials because of his fear of heights. Untrue, but it was the best he could think of. It wasn't as if he could just tell the Slytherin Prince that his uncle is the lord of the sky and would blast him to ashes if his feet ever leave the ground. Nope. Besides, he doubted Scorpius would believe him if he did. After the acrophobic confession, he had to watch himself constantly when he was out in the open air or Andrew, Scorpius and some of the members of the Slytherin team would grab him by his collar and hoist him off the ground.

That happened once. The results? Not pretty. Not pretty at all.

He leaned back against the benches. He was one of the only people who were watching the Slytherin trials except for the ones who were in it. There were a lot of first years trying for a spot but the ones already on the team beat them down. He watched as Andrew swung his bat towards a Bludger which changed direction and tried to hit their now official Seeker, Scorpius Malfoy who barely dodged it and was still looking for the Snitch.

Nico knew where it was. It was fluttering somewhere near the ground rather than joining the game. He would have known where it was without watching. He might not have the same power over riches as his sister, but he could sense goals or any other precious gems or metals, easy. One of the reasons why he shouldn't enter. He could just easily tell Scorpius where it was.

It took a while, but he spotted it and dived for the little fluttering golden ball as it zoomed around the pitch like a rapid hummingbird. Scorpius got it easy and raised it to the air.

Everyone cheered.

Then a Bludger knocked him off his broom.

Nico chortled in laughter. He wasn't worried. It was a short drop. Just a couple of feet from the ground. He doubted Score got anything worse than bruises. Maybe a mild fracture if the impact was hard, but nothing like a broken bone. When he got to the ground, he was right.

"You alright, there, Score?" He said, smirking.

Scorpius glared at him. "Some friend, you are." He said, more teasing than angry. "Laughing at me when I fell off my broom..."

"Dude," Nico countered. "That was only a couple of feet above the ground. I don't think you'd even have anything worse than a fracture or anything."

Their new Keeper, a pretty sixth-year girl with amber eyes and dark-blonde hair named Alexa Eoshire nodded. "He's right, Score." She said. "Don't be such a crybaby. It's only a big bad bruise."

"Shut up," He grumbled, wincing as he got up. "Hey, look. Gryffindors."

Nico looked up and glanced where Scorpius was nodding to. He was right. A group of Gryffindors approached them, laughing and chatting loudly. Nico knew they didn't mean to look it, but sometimes, the lions' loudness made him be angry at them because they acted like they own the place. More than the Slytherins' act it. That thought floated away though when he caught a pair of blue eyes. She smiled at him.

Juliette turned to a boy, who he recognized as James Potter, before running towards them. It was weird. A red among the greens. A rose among the thorns. Nice metaphor. He thought.

"Andy!" She called, her smile never wavering.

"Torrington," He acknowledged, civilly. "Do not call me Andy. We're not friends, no matter what your girls thoughts say." He snarled.

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