4. Sneak in like a...

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She looked with wide eyes at the window. But all I could see was New York at night, shining in its full glory.

"You sure you ok A.P.?"

April nodded rapidly, getting the curtains, "Yeah, nothing to see here!"

Her weird behavior got me concerned; something doesn't feel right. None then less we went to bed as soon as we finished the movie, while ignoring her paranoia of looking around the room. Seriously, we are watching a drama movie, what is so scary about that? During my slumber I wasn't aware that the madness was continuing. April had just closed her eyes until she heard a noise coming from the living room. Mayhem slept peacefully in my arms, so this little creature didn't cause it.

"This way guys"

She pressed her fingers together making them crack. In an instant, she crawled over me, got her bat, and stood before her closed bedroom door. The knob slowly turned, and it was slowly opening with a light squeak. From happy faces it was quickly placed by pure horror, seeing April and her bat.

"You got 5 seconds to get out"

Donnie, Raph and Mikey shook with fight, seeing her bat glow. They knew what was coming to them. But instead of backing off, they demand to see me standing tall, although it wasn't so convincing with their legs shaking. I heard a few "ows" and "ouch" and "why" screaming, assuming April couldn't sleep and is watching something in the living room. Outside I heard things hitting the ground, what is that all about? If this continues, I might have to tell her to turn down the volume. Turning my back to the door, a bright light came up.

Meh...Probably the TV.

Closing my eyes to get back to sleep, I felt how the mattress beside me was pressed down. This doesn't feel right, is she watching TV or is going back to sleep? Maybe her parents are up. No, they left us alone and told us that they won't be back by five. Reaching for my phone I could see the numbers dance before me, it was 2 in the morning. Memo to myself, don't use your phone with the lights on 100% in a pitch-black room. If only I knew I blinded the one behind me as well. Oh well...

But it got creepier.

I felt a hand travel over to my head, stroking my hair, "Cut it out April". She stopped.


Now it is going around my waist, "Okay that is it. You're freaking me ouahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I bet even astronauts heard me at this point. April rushed into the bedroom, while the boys were piled up outside one over the other moaning annoyed, "Leo".

April was close to give the fourth turtle a piece of her mind, ready to beat him out, only to see me beat her to it. Leo held his head from me hitting him with a second bat, screaming to get out. What do you expect?! It was self-defense! April didn't turn on the light making it harder for me to see the stranger. From the dim light coming from the living room, he seems to be a burglar in a turtle costume. Leo looked at his friend with begging eyes, "April help me out here". He refused to hurt me, hoping for some support.

Fat chance!

April gave him one good swing and send him flying through the window, landing on his brothers.

She told me not to get anywhere the window, as she rushed to it screaming, "You are in big trouble!"

Someone whined outside, only for her to reply with a "Get lost, I will deal with you later!"

"April who was this creep? Do you know him?" she saw how scared I was, afraid of what this burglar tried to do with me. She rapidly shook her head at my frightened expression, "No, no, no this wasn't a burglar or some sort."

"Then who was he?"


"You never said you had one"

She smirked, "You never asked. Don't worry, this was just a big misunderstanding."

"Try me" folding my hands over by chest, I demanded an explanation. According to April, Leo is her brother that came home last night partying and accidentally got into her bed. He mistook me for his girlfriend.

"But that is your bedroom"

"Yeah, sometimes I let him have it. Since he moved out a long time ago."

Irritated looked towards the window, "Then why throwing him out the window? We could have talked about it."

"NO! I mean...he is my brother...we do that all the time."

Sure, what siblings doesn't throw out their brothers/sisters out the window? "Is he some kind of a fetish?" April didn't like where I was heading to, "No, no, no he isn't."

"So, you hit your brother and he is wearing a turtle costume, what is that all about?" April got tense at the description, "turtle?"


"Well, um...it was a...special party...you know...everyone dressed up as an animal."

"Oh" Now I got the picture, "like furry parties?"

"Yeah..." her look went elsewhere, "...yeah..."

Oh boy, lets pray that April doesn't have to explain this to Leo and the boys, this will be very embarrassing. Luckily, I did not see her throw the sword after him, April has no idea how she could explain that. That he might be a cosplayer did not cross her mind until now not making it any better. I assume that this whole thing what she said was true, we went back to bed and tried to get some sleep. I see no reason to question it any further. After all tomorrow, she wanted to introduce me to another friend of hers. Unlike the boys she doesn't fear that this turns into a disaster.

In the sewers Leo had to get some ice for his head and shell. I really gave him a beating he always feared to get from April for a bad joke. His brothers didn't look any different also placing ice packs on their bruises. Mikey was curious of that scream earlier, "Leo, what did you do?"

"I did nothing!"

Raph snorted, "So a girl screams her lungs out for nothing? How could you"

"I told you; it was nothing...just...a big misunderstanding."

Donnie didn't believe him, "You probably scared her with your one-line jokes."

"At least I managed to touch her"

His brother sighted loud, "FIGURES!"


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