Just in Time

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"West, you can't be serious" sighed West's father, Danny, as he drove with his daughter towards the slaughter yard. "You're just going to get upset if you can't save them. Let's turn back and I'll get you a horse from the trainer down the street from us" pleaded her father as they neared the yard.

"No dad. I said I'd save two horses from slaughter. And that's what I'm gonna do. You don't understand how many foals end up here. It's not many, but still. They don't deserve to be here. They haven't even been given a chance at life" snapped West. Expecting her father to yell at her for snapping, when instead he just sighed. "Fine. Two horses only" he said, looking at the large building that loomed over the yard. Already this place didn't feel right. "Let's get in and out of here as soon as possible. I don't want to be here too long West. These places make me sick"

Rolling her eyes, West stopped the car, and jumped out. Almost instantly greeted by the owner of the yard. "Hey, uh. I'd like to buy two of your horses" she said, glancing at the mare and colt that were huddled next to a fence in the muddy yard. The owner followed her gaze. "Those two? 1500 for them both. Get them out of here today, and they're all yours"

He sounded like he just wanted them gone. Leaving West confused as to whether he wanted them saving or not. "Sure. I'll take them. Any paperwork?" asked West, glancing back at her father who was standing silently just behind her.

"No paperwork. Not much. Just sign these, and get out of my yard. I have work to do" sighed the owner somewhat angrily. He really didn't sound like the kind of man you'd want to be around for too long. West nodded, signing the papers that were shoved into her hands, before she handed the money over.

"You're lucky you got here. Those two were next" snorted the owner as he turned away to fetch the colt and mare from the field.

West gave her father a worried look. Not trusting the man with her horses. She motioned to him to get the trailer ready so that they could leave the second the horses were ready. Once he'd moved off, West moved over to the owner, taking the mare's leadrope, and the colts's. "I'll take them from here" she said quickly, nodding her reluctant thanks to the owner, before she led her horses to the trailer.

The mare trotted into the trailer the second she saw it. Sensing the freedom, and upon seeing his mum enter the trailer, the colt followed quickly. They'd both be safe and free of the stresses of the yard soon. They'd be going to a warm barn. A warm barn with food, water, shelter, the best medical care and daily cuddles. What more could they want?

"I think we got them just in time" said Danny gently, patting his daughters shoulder as she got back in the car. "We did. They'll be okay now. They'll be okay" she whispered as tears pricked her eyes.

She'd only just managed to keep a clear head when she saw all the other horses. But all that mattered to her, was that she'd saved two. The world had gained two more horses that it could've lost if she had arrived any later.

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