Goals and Dreams

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"I'd like us to race in America, Dubai. A lot of places really. It's a dream for us to win one of the big races. One of the big titles. It's a huge dream, but we're aloud to dream. And why dream at all if you're not going to dream big? It's a huge dream, but I'd like for us to win the Triple Crown in the states. And to win a race at Royal Ascot. It's all a big dream, but we need to dream sometimes. And I really think we can do it if we really try" said West, a smile on her face the entire time she was speaking. All the trainers in the room gained smiles on their faces, the yard manager smiled. For a 19 year old jockey that was new to racing. She had dreams and goals. Big dreams and goals that would take a lot of work, but she had those dreams and goals, and it was admirable that she did have them. It meant that she was determined and dedicated to what she was doing and that she wouldn't give up on her horse.

"That's a big dream, West. It's admirable that you have such high hopes and dreams for yourself and your horse. And I have no doubts that you will achieve what you strive for. You're a hard worker and we can see that from your videos and from what you've said. You aim high and that is one of the most admirable things we've seen" said the yard manager, patting West's shoulder, squeezing gently. He was going to work closely with West to make sure she had shots at her dreams and goals. He'd never seen someone as young as her with such high goals and dreams. And he loved the fact that she was so enthusiastic about them. He wasn't going to step all over her dreams because he didn't feel the need to crush what she wanted. She was working hard towards her goals and dreams!

"I can dream, right? I want for us to grow as a team. Myself and Mischief I mean. I raised him, trained him, and I own and ride him. He's my everything and it's what he'll always be. We can travel the world and we can race around the world. Yeah, it'll take a while, but my boy can race. And we're gonna prove that to you all on race day. We're going to show you all what we can do. You watch us on the track. We'll blow your minds with how we work as a team" smirked West, showing that she was indeed very determined to win. She had a winning attitude. And that was what separated her from a lot of people. Some didn't want to win. Some were too scared to admit that they wanted to win. And some just didn't speak at all, and the ones that didn't speak were the ones that placed 2nd and 3rd. Placing 2nd and 3rd wasn't bad. But being honest with yourself and saying that you wanted to win really did give you a leg up sometimes. And it sometimes dragged you down if you didn't win. But that didn't matter to West. Losing would be a learning experience.

The trainers all nodded at her words. She had a good head on her shoulders. She knew about her horse, and how he ran and behaved. She knew what he could do. She knew his limits. And knew what he couldn't do.

"You can indeed dream, West. And we're going to be with you every step of the way. We're also aware that you have a large fanbase, including AP McCoy. Am I correct?" asked the yard manager again. West smiled with a nod. "You are correct. AP McCoy found me through my fans. And yes, I have fans. I ride in professional dressage tests and sometimes cross country. But my fans are also with me because of my work with Mischief and my other horses from the slaughter house. AP McCoy says he loves my work, and that he wants to follow my story. He even wants us to race someday. And I can't wait for that day to come. It would be an honour to race with him. He's my idol, and now he's a close family friend. I can't thank him enough for the support he's already given me. AP McCoy is going to be leading Mischief to me on race day, and he'll be the one to get us from the track. He's the one I trust more than ever to do that for me. He's been there done that and knows what it's like to be going onto the track, and coming off of it. He's going to there for support and for advice and I can't thank him enough. It's exciting really to have him by my side. He has even offered to join me on my racing adventures around the world. We're going to make sure I leave a lasting impact on the racing world, and we're going to make sure that my name gets out there more than it already is" she smirked once more.

Damn this girl was determined to make an impact. The jockeys looked to her. "AP McCoy has personally offered to help you out with all of this?" asked one of them, leaning back in his seat as he spoke, his eyes never leaving West. "Yeah, that's what I said. He offered to help me out through all of this, and I'm honoured that he has offered to help. I gladly accepted because who wouldn't accept help from their idol! Like come on! I love that guy to pieces. He's my favourite jockey and I've seen all of his races, and had pictures of him and his horses in my room for a very long time. I loved his racing and his horses and just everything he did and said about the horses he rode. His attitude is amazing and he's always enthusiastic about what he does. He's my idol for a reason, and like I said. I'm honoured to have him with me through all of this"

The jockey nodded, giving a surprised smile at the response he got to his question. "I like you, West. Your attitude to all of this is amazing. And you're how old? 19? I think we're gonna be good friends you and me. I'll show you the ropes around here, and maybe you can work with me and my boy Delkari? He's a feisty one, but with the work you've done. I think you can really help me out here" he smiled, watching her. "Sure, I can help. Just make sure it doesn't clash with when I'm working with Mischief. He needs his daily workout and such. But I'll be happy to help you. What's your name again?" asked West, watching the jockey. "Name's Eric. I look forwards to working with you"

The jockey was quick to give his name to West. He really wanted to work with her to build a better bond with the horse he rode. "Eric, I'll speak with West. After all, Delkari is my horse" said a middle aged man from beside Eric. "West, my name is Mark. I'm the owner of Delkari. The horse that Eric is asking you to work with. Delkari is a tough, stubborn stallion. If you think you can work with him, then by all means you have my permission to do so. Just know that he can get a little temperamental at times and that he can and will cause damage if he feels like he has to. He can get very mean. I want you to be very careful with him, West. And by all means, work with him when you have the time. Your own horse is more important, and we respect that you have to work with him too. Eric will be with you at all times when you are working with him so that there is no real risk to you getting harmed without one of us knowing. If he does hurt you, we will pay for your medical treatment if treatment is required. And thank you for doing this West. We are very grateful" he smiled gently. West smiled. "I'm happy to help. If I can pass on what I know, then I will happily do so. My experience gives me a lot to speak for and I am honoured that you have asked me to help. And I will work with you whenever I am able to do so. Mischief has a rest day today, so if you would like for me to work with Delkari today, I am more than happy to do so. Just let me know what you want me to work on with him. And I'll get my notebooks ready if needed"

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