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AP was one of the best jockeys, and a champion one at that. West would be receiving help from him, and she'd be racing with him in the future. She'd be learning from the best. And racing with the best.

As they approached Newmarket stables, it was nearing 9am, and the stables was slowly waking up itself. The owner of the yard was waiting to greet them. He was excited to meet the jockey, trainer and owner of Mischief. West was the first person he'd heard of to take all 3 roles with her horse.

AP gently nudged West to wake her as she'd fallen asleep resting against his shoulder.

When she woke, she rubbed her eyes, giving a slightly irritated grumble. She sat up straight, realising where they were. It dawned on her that this was it. This was where she would be spending the next week training and exercising with Mischief until their race.

Once the truck was stopped, West jumped out after AP who gestured for her to get Mischief. It would be wise for her to show that he follows her whilst they had the yard owners full attention.

"Ah. Welcome to Newmarket stables. We've heard a lot of good things about West and Mischief. A lot of good things. Where are my new boarders?" he smiled, looking to the trailer and the truck. "West is getting Mischief from the trailer. Don't be alarmed, okay?" said Danny, watching as West led Mischief out of the trailer without a leadrope. Mischief stayed by her side, not moving from beside her as they walked. He held his head high, his ears upright as he listened to the new sounds. The yard owner took a slight step back. "He walks without a leadrope beside her? Does he follow her like that?" he asked, curious of the two already.

West overheard, and walked in a different direction. Mischief still remaining by her side. He didn't miss a beat when walking beside her, nor did he get distracted by the wheelbarrow full of hay being pushed past them. He was as focused as ever, showing that he already meant business. This was one horse that was going to be the one to beat on the track. And his jockey was going to be the one that had everyone talking. Other jockeys stood around by their horses in the stalls. Watching as West and Mischief stood side by side without a leadope between them. They spoke amongst themselves, glancing at West and her horse occasionally. They knew who she was, and who her horse was. But they wanted more information. They'd ask her later when it was time to exercise the horses.

They knew West wouldn't be forced to do much with Mischief on his first day at the yard, but they'd still ask questions. Mischief would be made to walk, trot and canter today. But that was if the yard trainer was going to be working with him. Which he wasn't. West worked with her own horses and worked them the way she knew how. Nothing would break the routine she had with her horse. With her being his trainer, owner and jockey. She was the only one that could say what he was to do. The only reason she was at Newmarket was because she was offered a place there before the race. And that place was more than welcome. It eased the pressure on herself and Mischief, as well as giving them a break before the race. Travelling the distance that they had the day of the race would've been draining for all of them. And that was something they couldn't risk with Mischief. He needed to rest prior to racing. And that was what he'd be allowed to do at the yard.

The yard manager smiled, looking to West. "Nice to meet you West. And nice to meet you Mischief. We've been eager to meet you and your horse, West. It's amazing what you've done with Mischief. It really is. We don't see horses like him on the racing scene. It hasn't been heard of actually. I look forwards to seeing big things from you West. Big, big things. I'll show you to Mischief's stall, and because of the nature of you and your horse. We are going to have you sleeping close to him. For comfort purposes for the both of you. You will be very happy here during your stay, and we hope that you are comfortable here with us too. Feel free to meet the other jockeys and their horses when you are ready" he smiled, before leading them towards the stalls.

As they walked, Mischief nudged West's shoulder gently, seeking a little comfort from her. Which she instantly gave. Rubbing his neck gently, and keeping her hand on him to keep the comfort there. Other jockeys still watched her and her stallion. Taking mental note of the behaviour of both jockey and horse. Their eyes were quickly turned away though as the yard owner gave them a stern look. With West being new to the yard, she didn't need to be stared at right now.

Upon arrival at Mischief's stall, West led him inside quietly, patting her stallions' neck gently as she did so. "It's okay, Mischief. I won't be leaving you yet" she said gently, resting her head against the stallions' neck. She always comforted her stallion in any way she could.

The yard owner looked to her and Mischief. "Would you like me to run you through the routine here? Or would you like some time to settle in and meet the other jockeys?" he asked, leaning against the stall door. "Could I take some time to get Mischief settled and meet the others? They seemed a little curious earlier" said West, turning to him as Mischief rested his head over her shoulder. He was as close to her as ever, and he trusted her the most out of everyone he'd ever known. "Sure. Mischief looks a little nervous. Stay with him for as long as you need West. The other jockeys will show you to the meeting room later on. We're going to be introducing you and Mischief formally to them as it will help to ease you both into being here. Though you are only here for a week, we would like for you to settle in as much as possible. But I've spoke enough, I'll let you settle and whatnot. See you soon West" said the yard owner before heading off.

Once everyone had left her and Mischief, West turned back to her horse. "You're gonna be okay, Mischief. We're gonna be okay. We're just here to train and exercise before the race. The other horses and jockeys aren't gonna intimidate us. We're not gonna let them intimidate us. We're not going to show that we're here to win and win only" smiled West, looking to her stallions' eyes.

Mischief snorted, nudging her cheek gently before resting his head against her chest. She hugged him gently as a response. "My boy deserves loads of cuddles today. Such a good boy in the trailer, and an absolute star when walking around here. I'm proud of you already boy. You've made me happy today" she smiled, kissing his nose and earning a 'kiss' back from Mischief as he pressed his mouth against her cheek.

Right as she was about to leave the stall. Several other jockeys walked to them, leaning on the stall door as they watched Mischief and West. "Your name's West, right? The girl with the slaughter horse?"

West cringed at the name. "That's me. And please don't call him a slaughter horse. He has a name. And that's Mischief. Not slaughter horse" she replied, glancing at Mischief who still had his head over her shoulder. He'd taken a slightly defensive stance beside her though. He shifted his weight, almost as though he was daring them to do something. But they wouldn't. They wouldn't even get close to her. Not if he had anything to do with it. He was going to be defensive of her, and she was going to be defensive of him. It wasn't all that hard to see this either.

"Defensive horse, West. Did you train him to be like that? Or is that something he picked up along the way?" asked one of the jockeys, leaning over the stall door now. "He picked that up along the way. He protects me. And I protect him. He's been to hell and back and he needed someone to show that they'd protect him. I taught him join up, and I taught him to trust people again. No one will take that away from him. Or me. My boy knows what to do when someone is approaching me in an aggressive manner. He won't stand for it. And I won't stand for it if anyone decides to go towards my horse in that manner. Where he came from? He's not going back there. And his mind won't go back to that either. I've worked hard with him these last few years and I won't let that work go to waste. We 're here to win. And win is what we're gonna do. I'll be showing a video of myself and Mischief during the meeting later. You'll see what we can do on the gallops before you get to see what we do on the track" said West, completely silencing the jockeys.

"Big talk for a new kid on the track. You're gonna have to live up to those words on race day. Hope you and your horse brought your A game. You're gonna need it" said one of the jockeys again, digging deep to get a reaction from West. She merely snorted. "I always bring my A game. You're gonna need yours"

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