Home For Life

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Upon arrival back at West's barn, her father gave her a look. "We're going to have to check over them, you know that right? Don't get upset if there's something wrong that we can't fix, or something that can't be fixed. You can't get upset. You have to be strong and comforting for the sake of the horses. They just came from a very stressful place. You need to be a comforting and friendly presence for them"

West merely sighed. "I know dad. Had horses all my life, remember? This isnt't my first rescue dad. I've done my homework on rescues, okay? I know what I have to do for them, and I know how I have to go about working with them. It just takes patience" said West, as she pulled up close to the barn. Parking her truck as close as she could to ensure a quick and easy transfer into the warm barn.

When she climbed out of the truck, she closed the door as quielty as she could so as not to startle the horses, before she moved around to the back of the trailer. As quielty as she could, she unlocked the back of the trailer, lowering the door to the ground as quietly as she could. Doing everything she could to be as quiet as possible to avoid startling the mare and colt. That was the last thing she wanted to do.

With a gentle smile, she carefully led the mare from the trailer. Letting her look at her new surroundings, her ears pricked up. The open space of the area around the barn was welcoming and relaxing. A gravel driveway, with lush green fields on either side. Trees dotted along the fence to provide shade. Several other horses grazed in the fields, birds sang softly in the morning sun. The mare nickered softly, taking a few steps forwards, that West allowed, walking with the mare. She wasn't going to be forceful and drag her towards the barn. She'd let the mare move in her own time.

Meanwhile, Danny led the colt from the trailer, instantly being pulled towards the mare. Once side by side with his daughter and the mare, he looked to her with a gentle smile. "They're gonna like it here. Look at her eyes. Her ears. She's more relaxed. Not completely relaxed, but even so, it's better than her being terrified. Come on, let's get them into the barn. They're probably starving"

Nodding, West turned the mare gently towards the barn. Urging her with a gentle tug to walk forwards. The barn was welcoming, warm and friendly. A cat lay curled up on a pile of hay, sleeping silently. Other horses stuck their heads over the stall doors, watching the new arrivals with curiosity. All of this earned a smile from West. "You're gonna be so happy here. I promise" she smiled, leading the mare into a comfortable stall, freshly set with hay and a hay net. Unclipping the lead rope, West gently stroked the mares' neck. Before turning to allow the colt to be close to his mother. "You're safe here" she said softly once more, before she left the stall, closing the door behind her.

Danny leaned over the door, watching the mare and colt. The mare munched on the hay, drinking deeply from the water bucket that had been provided to her. "The vet will check them over tomorrow. Let them settle in today. We can't push too much onto them in such a short space of time" he said, glancing at West. "We call the vet if it is absoultely necessary today. We'll check over them later once they've eaten, then we'll go from there" she smiled, gazing over her new horses. It was gonna be a long road ahead. But she was more than ready.

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