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West gave a sigh as Mischief threw his head slightly when she grabbed his reins. Now was the time that she was going to try sitting on him. And regardless of whether it was safe or not, she had to try at some point, and Mischief had to learn at some point. Craig was watching in silence, not wanting to scare or upset Mischief when West was trying to get into the saddle. That was the last thing he wanted to do, especially under the circumstances. Mischief had gained a bit of an attitude, and it was probably down to what the trainer did by forcing a bit into Mischief's mouth and following that up by pushing on the stallion's nose.But Craig knew West would break him out of that within a few days. Danny, West's father came up beside Craig, smiling as he saw Mischief standing with West with the racing tack on. "Think he's ready?" asked Danny with a smile, watching as West checked the tack once more."He's more than ready, Danny.

West just wanted to make sure that Mischief could accept someone in the saddle. Someone that isn't gonna keep yanking on his mouth every 5 seconds. Think about it Danny, West is the only jockey we have here, and she knows what to do with her horses. Those qualifications she has have certainly helped her Y'know. She studied at the British Racing School, right? She learnt from the best"

West took a breath, patting Mischief's neck, before she pulled got a leg up from Craig into the saddle. She settled carefully, patting Mischief's neck reassuringly, before she gathered her reins. She checked her vest was on tight enough, before giving her helmet one last check. "I'm gonna take him around the arena before heading to the gallops, okay?" she said to Craig and Danny, glancing at them. When she got the go-ahead, she gave Mischief a gentle nudge on his sides, encouraging him to walk forwards. He did so instantly, going into a rather elegant walk. This earned a chuckle from West, but she had to stay focused right now. As she walked Mischief around the arena, she could feel him trying to pull into a trot. "Not yet, Mischief. Take it slow" she said, giving him a bit of the rein. The action worked as he slowed back into his walk. And after a few walking laps West gathered her reins once more. "Now you can trot" she smiled, giving him another nudge as he moved into a trot. Again, he had an elegant gait. "Hey, West are you gonna tell me his race name yet?" asked Craig as he watched Mischief trotting around.West finally cracked, she smirked, turning Mischief towards Craig, trotting over and stealing his cap, before cantering away.

"Mischief Managed" she laughed, scrunching the cap up in her hand as Mischief continued his canter. It was the perfect gait, even if he did stumble a little, he still had amazing movements. "Mischief Managed, alright" chuckled Craig as West tossed his cap back to him. "I'll get that name down on the files once we're done here. And from then on, his name is Mischief Managed forever. Imagine that name at stud? Mischief Managed sired some babies? He caused Mischief and got mares pregnant" joked Craig, watching the pair again as they cantered. "How about heading out to the gallops, West? He looks like he wants to go" said Danny, noting how Mischief was lunging forwards a little and jumping forwards as though he wanted to go faster. "Open the gates and I'll gallop him over there" replied West, gathering her reins again after they'd slipped.

Once the gates were opened, West turned Mischief towards them, before giving him the smallest of nudges. He instantly sprang into a gallop, speeding towards the dirt gallops. West's breath was taken away by how fast the stallion actually was. She smirked though, this was a good horse. A very good one. As they galloped, West urged him on with her legs, not wanting the use of a whip to aid her. She was against whips and everything they stood for, and had never used one on any of her horses. Not unless it was absolutely necessary. Danny and Craig drove in the Dodge truck beside the gallop track. Craig was filming West and Mischief on his phone, whilst Danny drove. "Here we have West and Mischief Managed, West's newest stallion, and soon to be her racer. Saved from slaughter when he was just a colt, West trained him to get to this stage. This is a good horse, folks. A really good horse, and he has one of the best trainers and jockeys out there"

After completing the gallops, West slowed Mischief to a canter, before going to a trot and eventually a walk at the end. She hugged his neck with a huge smile, taking her feet out of the stirrups to hang by his sides. "Now that was good Mischief" she smiled, patting his neck again as Craig came over to them, still filming. "How did he feel West?" asked Craig, giving her an encouraging nod to be honest and speak about her horse."He felt amazing. I've never ridden a horse that can take off at a gallop like that. His strides are huge, and he's definitely got some power in him. He didn't stumble once, and he doesn't feel as hot as the others horses did after a gallop. This is a good horse Craig, Mischief is a good horse. No. He's an amazing horse. And I'm gonna make sure everyone knows it" she smirked, hugging Mischief again. The stallion turned his head to her, bending his neck to give West a hug of his own. Earning an "aw" from Craig and Danny. "How long till you two are on the racing scene?" asked Craig, questioning West as though he was some kind of reporter and not the vet. "It depends if we can get into a Grade 1 race at the track. If we can get into that and win it, then we'll go from there, and if needed, we'll adjust Mischief's training accordingly over a period of time that is comfortable for him. Can't change his routine too quickly as that can cause all sorts of problems. We're gonna introduce changes slowly if we need to. But we should be on the racing scene over the next few weeks. Who knows, you could see us next week for all you know" smirked West teasingly, watching as Mischief looked around, ears forwards.Craig shook his head with a smile, ending the video.

"He looked amazing West, he really did. You've done some good work with him. Really good work. Get him back to the barn and give him a wash. Get him fed and watered. We need to discuss colours for his tack and your jockey silks. As well as designing his personalised tack" said Craig with a smile, patting Mischief's neck.West gave a nod and a smile; "Come on Mischief. Let's get you back so you can have a snack and a drink. You've worked hard today and I'm super proud of you" she smiled, hugging his neck once more before she nudged him into a walk back towards the barn.

As they trotted back, she couldn't help but smile. She'd only ever had one other horse that made her feel the way Mischief did. An old riding school horse that quickly became a best friend. A best friend that was understanding and forgiving even on the darkest days. The old Shire was the best friend that West had never had in school or anywhere else. "Love you Mischief, I really do. You're one of a kind, just like she was" smiled West as tears pricked her eyes. Whenever she thought of Stephi, the Shire, it always made her emotional. The mare had passed away a year earlier, and West still remembered everything about the mare. Absolutely everything. The Shire was one of the most important horses in her life. And one of the only heavy horses that West had ever been able to ride without fear. Though West owned 2 of Stephi's fillies, they'd never replace their mother. Stephi was far too important to replace.

Upon arrival back at the barn, West jumped down from the saddle, wiping her eyes as she gave Mischief a hug, her head pressed to his neck as he once again wrapped his neck around her gently. "I'm so proud of you" she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks once more as she broke away from the stallion. Removing his tack before running water over him to remove the sweat. She moved him into his stall, before giving him food and water. Once he was sorted out, she moved into the lounge area of the barn.

[Author's Note: A long part for you as I go camping for a week on Monday, and won't be able to post!]

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