Earning Trust

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4 months later~

"How's my boy doing today?" smiled West as she walked to Mischief's stall that was now next to Athena's. Mischief was now 1 year old, and was ready to be turned out to the field for the first time. West had kept him and Athena in their stalls, and only took them out to the grass once every few days. It was just to ensure that they were used to the surroundings, and that they were used to being handled by her.

Mischief trotted to the door to meet her, his head reaching over the door. With a smile, West rubbed his nose. The more time she spent gazing at him, the more and more she could see Frankel's qualities. The racehorse was stunning, and those stunning looks had been passed onto his son. West clipped a leadrope onto Mischief's personalised headcollar, before she led him from his stall. "The best thing about going outside today is that you won't need your rug. It's nice out today" she smiled as she walked, Mischief walking politely beside her. This horse didn't have a bad bone in him. He was a dream to handle. And walked with such respect. He didn't tug the leadrope, and didn't throw his head.

West smiled as they walked, patting Mischief's neck in reassurance as they approached the field. This one was smaller compared to the others, but it was only temporary whilst she let Mischief run around, and whilst she tried to teach him a few things. It was all temporary, but the bond would be permanent.

Once in the field, West unclipped the leadrope, watching with a smile as Mischief raised his head. Gazing around before he trotted away from West, breaking into a canter as he moved around the field.

West could only watch with a smile as she remembered what Mischief was like when she first bought him. He was underweight, and ever so slightly timid. But now, he was a healthy weight, and growing quickly. He was no longer timid, and had become quite inquisitive. West was snapped from the memories when Mischief trotted back to her, his nose inches from her face. Earning a soft chuckle from West, she rubbed his nose, before moving a few feet away. She wanted to try something, and this would prove how much Mischief trusted her.

This was about getting Mischief to accept her.

Once she'd sent Mischief away, he began cantering around the small field as though he was circling her, before slowing to a trot, his head held high. West used the longer lead rope, holding one end, and throwing the other behind Mischief to keep his movements going. All the time, she was watching him, keeping an eye on his movements, especially his head. She wanted him to lower his head, and only then would she allow him to come to her.

Continuing, she threw the end of the rope behind him once more, making sure not to touch him, but to land the rope behind him. It still kept him moving. After several minutes, she asked Mischief to change direction, and then change direction again, watching as he did so with his head slightly lower. She continued to get him to move around her, until he eventually slowed to a walk, his head lowering gradually as he did so. With slow, flowing hand movements, she asked him to change direction, and change again, before his head lowered to the point where she could allow him to do what he wanted. Come to her. She turned away ever so slightly as Mischief walked towards her, his head still lowered. West granted a smile at the action, turning and rubbing his head, before she turned and walked again, Mischief following after her. In response, she turned and rubbed his head again, before walking forwards a few more steps to confirm that she had successfully done join-up with Mischief. He once more followed her, and West turned and rubbed his head, clipping the leadrope back to his headcollar with a smile. Before she rubbed his head once more, walking with him staying close to her, but not so close that he was stepping on her.

The feeling of success was a great one. And the feeling of happiness was overwhelming. Mischief lifted his head slightly, his trust in West clear as day. This was clear progress. West remembered what she had been told all those months ago. "Don't catch your horse. Let your horse catch you, otherwise you'll be chasing him around the field for hours trying to catch him".

With join-up, catching Mischief in a field would be easier. A lot easier.

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