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It had been 2 days since West and Mischief won their race. The stallion looked better than ever, and West hadn't stopped smiling. Both seemed happy, still running off of the exhilaration of winning the race. Despite West now being sick with a cold.
The drive home had been long and hard. A cold front had swept in, bringing snow and freezing temperatures with it. As they pulled into the driveway, West pulled on her regular riding gloves in a desperate attempt to keep her hands warm. Mentally praising the fact that she'd put Mischief's rug on prior to leaving Newmarket. He needed the warmth just as much as she did.

Once the truck stopped, she instantly jumped out. Jogging round to the back of the trailer, unlocking the large door with shivering hands. "Cold, huh Mischief?" she chuckled softly as the stallion looked back at her. Giving her a questioning look. "Hey I had to open the trailer!" she smiled, earning a snort from the stallion. He really didn't like the cold. The stallion backed out of his trailer, nudging West's shoulder, before resting his head over her. "Hug?" she smiled softly, wrapping her arms around the stallion's neck. He returned it instantly, his eyes closed. This stallion was just one huge teddy bear at times.

"We gotta get you inside before it snows again. It's already too deep for a hack tomorrow" said West, motioning towards the barn. "Go on, head inside whilst I lock up the trailer" Mischief meerly snorted at her, staying by her side. This earned a chuckle from West. "Fine, wait there" she smiled, moving to lock up the trailer. She did so quickly, before tossing the keys to her father to lock up the truck. "Inside now Mischief" she smiled, walking towards the barn. Smiling as Mischief walked up beside her. From time to time, Mischief would stick his nose down in the snow, then snort at it when it got near his mouth. "That's your own fault Mischief. Don't put your nose in it" chuckled West, watching the stallion.
Mischief, wanting to share the snow, stuck his nose against West's cheek. Dropping snow down her neck. Snorting as she jumped at the coldness. "Hey!" she laughed, wiping her cheek and side of her neck. "That stuff is cold to me too Mischief"
The stallion snorted again, wiping his nose on his rug, before nudging West's cheek again. "Aw, I forgive you" she smiled, stroking his neck gently. "Tell you what. We'll play in the snow tomorrow"

Tomorrow would be Mischief's first proper time being able to play in the snow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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