Race Prep Week 1

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With a week left until the race, preparations began to get Mischief, West and the rest of the team to the track. They were going to be racing at Newmarket with other novice horses and riders. Though West's name had reached the track already and she was already very popular, she still had a lot to prove with Mischief. The stallion had quite a name now, just like his rider did. Not to mention how rare it was to hear of a jockey also being the owner and trainer of the horse they were riding. All of this had earned them quite a reputation before they had even set foot on the track.

It was early morning when the preparations began. West had dragged herself from bed and had dressed rather quickly before rushing out to get Mischief ready for the journey to the track. It wasn't too far, but the journey would take a few hours. Newmarket was one of the best tracks there was, and it was going to be an honour to race there. Heck, it was an honour to even be invited. West had also been informed that AP McCoy would be joining them, and would be joining them in the Winners' Circle if that ever happened. And West was more than happy to have him there with her. It was an honour to even be speaking with him and riding with him as she had done just last week.

As West entered the barn where Mischief was housed, she met up with AP, greeting him with a smile. "Morning AP. So happy you chose to come along with us for this! Think Mischief is excited?" she asked, entering Mischief's stall and leading him out simply by patting his neck to follow her. He knew to follow her now through join up which he had been taught when he was just a yearling.

"He is definitely lively this morning. I'll tell you that much" chuckled AP, watching the stallion trot after West. Their bond was incredible to him. He trusted her, and she trusted him. And it was very clear to see. He watched as West led Mischief to his trailer, watching as the stallion trotted into it himself. He even left a gap for West to walk along side him to do her usual checks on his headcollar. Once West was done, she left the trailer and closed it up with a smile, turning to AP. The jockey was smiling at her when she looked to him. "You've got a strong bond with Mischief. What are your plans for when you're mounting in the ring? Are you going to have him walk to you on his own? He seems trained enough for it" said AP, thinking of the idea. It would be something different. A horse walking alone to his jockey.

"Maybe you'd like to walk him to me? I'm gonna be a nervous wreck, and I'd like someone there whose been in that position before" said West, now walking with AP to the front of the truck. "I'd be honoured to walk Mischief to you in the ring. He'll walk along side me right? Without being held? Just want to make sure"

West nodded with a smile. "He'll walk along side you so long as you point him towards me too. He'll only go with you if he knows where he's going. Believe it or not, I had to show him pictures of the track he'd be racing on. And he has a picture in the trailer too. Either that or I just wanna show him where he's racing. Nonetheless, he knows the track now from the pictures. We'll see if he's learnt something from them on race day" she smiled, jumping into the truck next to her father.

Craig would be driving up behind them with the medical supplies for both Mischief, and for West. Deep down he knew chances of West getting hurt were slim. But this was hers and Mischief's first race. Nerves could get them both for all he knew. He didn't want them to get hurt, nor would he ever want them to. But horse racing was risky. He knew though that every jockey had the same mindset. Getting hurt or falling is bound to happen at some point during a race. In riding at all really. He knew West had had her fair share of injuries. From being kicked and bitten. To being thrown and almost crushed. He knew she'd been there, done that, got the sticker to prove it and all that.

As they drove to the stables at Newmarket, West had fallen asleep, leaving her father and AP to talk. "Danny, you should be proud of your daughter. Very proud. I watched her work with Mischief, and watched her lead him to the trailer without a leadrope. That takes some training. Most horses at the track have to be led around by a leadrope and two people. The fact that West got Mischief to walk along side her today was amazing to watch. He's going to be one famous racehorse, Danny. And your daughter is going to be a famous jockey. But this also means she may get rivals. With a horse like Mischief. And with her attitude. People are going to try and kick her down. Other jockeys could also whip Mischief if she gets ahead of them. I don't want to scare her with this, but the track can be a harsh place. A very harsh place" said AP, glancing at West who was still sleeping. She needed it though, which was good really.

Danny sighed, keeping his eyes on the road as he spoke. "She's aware of the risks. Or at least I hope she is. She's mature enough to not let the negativity get to her. And if they do whip Mischief if she gets ahead of them. All they are going to do is either upset Mischief, or hurt West. Or both. Mischief doesn't respond well to being whipped. He rears and bucks. And if he's fired up enough. He could throw West under the feet of other horses. She could be killed on that track, but she's doing what she loves and this is the way she wants her life to be. She loves her horses. And loves racing. She knows the risks to her and her horses. She's worked hard for this. All those sleepless nights reading up on racehorses and such. All those days where she spent working out to stay fit. She made herself sick a few days ago. Pushed herself too hard and nearly passed out"

AP nodded as he listened to Danny. He didn't know that West had done this to herself. "Danny, I'll do this for you and for West. I'll give her a suitable jockey meal and fitness programme. I'll work with her to make sure she doesn't push herself. And if needed, I'll work with her and Mischief based on their performance on the track. The last thing we want or need is for West to pass out mid race. Jockey's are hardy and can take a fall like nothing happened, but sometimes it's very hard to bounce back if you're not prepared for that impact. You have to fall a certain way for it not to hurt, and I need to make sure West knows that"

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