Untitled Part 13

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I'm sorry to bother you, Dr. Clarkson but I've just been feeling very sluggish he last few weeks, Smells and foods that I enjoy seem to make me nauseous."

He nodded, "I see. When did you last bleed?" Cora paused before replying and thought. It had been just before Robert left for France. "I suppose two months ago. Oh my God!"

He chuckled. "If you'll allow me to examine you, Milady. I can better determine if that's what's going on."

"Yes, of course!"

Cora was on cloud 9 when Clarkson left. She certainly hadn't expected this when she woke up, but retching all night had not been pleasant especially without Robert to hold back her hair or rub her back as he did with her previous pregnancies. She rang for O'Brien, hoping some tea and toast would help. Her ladies' maid seemed unamused when she came in and was asked to bring food back up. Well she would have to 'lump it' as Robert would say.


Andrew was looking through the estate books when Carson arrived with the post. He finished the letter to Papa. Hw looked up when Mama said his name. "Hello, darling."

"Oh, Mama! Hi!"

"Are you alright?"

He nodded but couldn't keep the nervousness from his voice. "Y-yes," he replied.


He took a breath. "Mama, I'm sorry but Papa is ill."


"I received a letter from his lieutenant. He said Papa has pneumonia."

"What?" she asked,  running a hand over her stomach, tears prickling in the corner of her eyes.

And I've been called up as well." 

"Oh Lord, Andrew. Couldn't you spare at least one of those horrible announcements, my darling! I thought you'd be around to help me battle cousin Isobel. We haven't welcomed any soldiers yet and she's already stressing me out."

"Oh my darling, Mama, I wish I could have spared you, but alas I must report for training next Thursday in Rippon."


"Corporal Barrow? Can you check on Colonel Crawley. His cough sounds worse."

"Yes , Sir!" Thomas said. feeling oddly amused that His boss was at his mercy. Wait until he told O'Brien!"

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