Untitled Part 14

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Robert was excited as he stepped off the train. After finally getting over pneumonia, he was sent home to rest and recover. He couldn't wait to see Cora and whatever surprise she had in store for him. Even Andrew hinted at it in his last letter before his on went to training. As they journeyed back home he heard tales of the Countess who worked hard to open her home for healing soldiers.  He was always proud to say that was his wife.

"Branson!" Robert said.

"Welcome home, milord!" he said, opening the door then ran to get his bag. Robert was rather impatient and was about to drive the car himself when Branson returned.

Sorry for the delay, I'm sure you're anxious to get home."

'It's alright, it will make the arrival all the more sweet." 

Robert was on the edge of his sea when he saw the towers of the Abbey in view. What a beautiful sight," he thought as the car moved closer. His grin grew wider when he saw his family His daughters, Mary, Edith, and Sybil stood proudly on the left. Cora came out the front door holding something in her arms but he couldn't see what. Branson was quick, knowing Robert was getting antsy. He got out as was surrounded by his children. he gave out hugs and kisses. They parted and he saw his Cora the bundle in her arms moved and he saw  little feet kick into the air. Eyes wide, he asked. "Cor?" Moving closer to her as she smiled with tears in her eyes. "Robert, Meet your daughter, Sophia Grace."

"What? Cora? When did you find out?

"The day after you left," she said, tears falling. I wanted to tell you but I was worried it would distract you and I needed you to come home!"

He placed a hand on her cheek and she leaned into his touch. He noticed her bottom lip tremble and couldn't wait to get her alone so they could talk. She took his hand. "Come along so you can meet your new daughter properly," she said.  Robert went willingly, nodding a hello to Carson.

"Cora, slow down my darling," He said chuckling. She turned, noticing he seemed out of breath and felt bad. "I'm sorry, I almost forgot you're still healing I was so excited. Lets get you upstairs so you can nap before dinner."

"Only if you'll join me." He didn't have to ask her twice!

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