Untitled Part 15 this part is rated M

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Robert went into his dressing room to change out of his uniform, relishing the feeling of his warmer nightclothes against his skin. The coarse material of Army issued night clothes had been tossed the morning he left France. He opened the door to the familiar room allowing  the warmth, Cora's perfume and the sounds of her breathing wash over him as well as the gurgling of his little girl.  He sat beside Cora and gazed at the sweet child in her arms. "She's beautiful just like you, Cor."

She handed Sophia to her Papa then hugged him close, crying tears of joy, at least that's what he thought. She was shaking and sobbing now.  Gently lying Sophia on the bed, he turned to face her, placing his hands on her face. "Oh my darling, Whatever is wrong?"

"We almost lost her. Clarkson said I did nothing wrong but I feel guilty.

"He rocked her as she cried. "But she's here, Cora, She seems healthy and happy."

Cora nodded. " I had some sort of infection and it started a miscarriage. Fortunately it was the end of my 8th Month and everything was well developed so she will be just fine. I ignored the fact I was feeling poorly. I should have told Clarkson but I thought it was age and the stress of the convalescent home. I'm sorry, I almost killed our baby."

"No, no, please don't say that, my darling. You did no such thing!

"It's very nice to have you back," she said. "I've missed you."

"and I you my darling," he replied picking up Sophia. "I shall hand her back to Nanny so I can show you how much I missed you," he said, trailing his fingertips down her arm. Cora blushed as he left with Sophia. She'd been so scared when she realized she was miscarrying and all the blood she lost it seemed as though she'd be the one leaving this life.

Taking a breath when Robert returned. "You haven't moved from your spot," he said. "Shall I help you undress?" Cora grinned as Robert pulled her to her feet. He pressed his lips to her, reaching around to untuck her blouse, his hands sliding across her back. Cora pressed her body against his, moaning softly at his reaction. He nearly jumped out of his skin when her cold hands slipped under his shirt.

"Bloody hell woman, have your hands been in the icebox?" She giggled. "They haven't been warm since you left my dear.  Robert took her hands and tried to warm them then kissed her knuckles. Once Cora thought her hands were warm enough she stared to unbutton his shirt then slipped it off his shoulders. Robert had unbuttoned her skirt and it fell to the floor in a puddle around her feet. Cora wasted no time, pulling his pants down and they both stepped free from their clothes, laughing as they fell onto the bed in a heap of tangled limbs and Cora's hair, which she had let loose.  "O'Brien is going to be in a foul mood when she sees she has to put your hair up again.

"She won't. She knows how much I've missed you, my darling, Cora said, swinging her leg over to straddle him then laughing at the embarrassed look on his face that O'Brien knows anything.

Robert looked up at his gorgeous wife, her breasts perfect as her hair hung on either side of them. Cora knew how much he loved her hair cascading . He reached up between them and slipped his finger in and she let out a small gasp of pleasure. She gave him the all familiar look that she was ready and she lowered herself onto him. They moaned together and the familiar rhythm began as Cora leaned forward to kiss him, breathing his name into his mouth. "Oh, Cora how I've missed you," Robert said, adjusting to find her sweet spot. He was rewarded with a moan of his name. and he could tell she was almost ready as he was being squeezed quite pleasurably.

Once both had been satisfied, Cora rolled to her side of the bed, grinning at him. "I've missed you too, darling. That was terrific fun!" Just then the dressing gong rang. "Perfect timing, now off to your dressing room. I'm going to need a bath.

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