The Interview (pt3)

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The gnawing feeling of my nerves getting the best of me was something I am very familiar with. It is a common thing I feel on patrol when I run into heroes or big shot villains. But now I'm haunted with the feeling as I'm here, in a room, waiting for my name to be called upon. If the suspense doesn't kill me the heroes most likely will once they find out my identity.

"Tom Simons!" My name being called out echoed through the room. There was no one left in the room as I was last. Maybe that is a good thing? Ignoring my nerves I stood up and walked to the back room.

I heard the shuffling of cloth as 404 pushed himself off the wall to follow behind me. That totally didn't make my anxiety worse.

Once I entered the room I saw Dream looking at some papers in a corner.

"Your Tom Simons right?" He moved his head up from the papers to look at me.

"Yep, but you can call me Tommy. Being called Tom Simons everywhere makes me feel like a stuck up bastard." I confirmed his answer as he continued to look through the papers.

"Your power is to have telekinesis over small objects and yourself, right?" He asked me another question to confirm the information that he had.

"Yep" When is the test going to start?

"Good, just making sure-" Dream was interrupted by the loud sound of the door swinging open and hitting the wall.

"I'M NOT LATE, YOU ARE!!! I'm telling you, I didn't fall asleep after the interviews!" Flame had kicked the door open. He looked like he ran up the stairs to get here. He was panting to catch his breath

"Oh, Hi Tommy. You passed 404's exam! Are you the last person to be tested?" He finally noticed that I was in the room.

"Uh, Yeah. Ow do?" I gave him an awkward smile as 404 was trying and failing miserably to stifle his snickers. Dream looked pissed.

"Flame, If your going to be late. Don't slam the door open and announce it to everyone." Dream ran his hands down his mask like someone would do when they're annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah. Bitch" Flame flipped off Dream before going to stand next to 404.

"Ok, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. We are going to start your part of the test. You're going to go up against our new hero trainees. They should be stronger than you but not too overpowered as it would be against us." Dream explained it to me before two more people walked in.

They both looked to be around my age. They were both wearing the same combat gear as Dream and 404. Flame had also changed, He was now wearing the all black outfit.

One of the people who walked in was slightly shorter than me. Not by much but enough for me to have to slightly look down at him. He had brown hair that was tied back on his head to not get in his face. He also had a bandana around his head. For the sake of keeping his identity secret he had a mask. It was a skeleton designed mask that fit perfectly on his face. I could still make out his eyes behind the mask.

The other one Had a blindfold type of mask and short hair. His blindfold had a sort of fire design on it. He had small red horns on the top of his head that had tiny flames dancing on top of them.

"These two are Heroes that are being trained under Flame currently. The one with the Skeleton mask Is Billzo and the one with horns is Inferno." Dream introduced the two as they looked at me.

Were they sizing me up! They are sooo underestimating me. I may look scrawny but I could beat their asses. If I can hold my own against the top heroes and the leaders of the Syndicate these heroes in training stand no chance! I'm the big Tommy Innit! No one can beat me because I'm too cool for that!

Sorry I only spea- "Tommy Shut The Fuck Up!"Where stories live. Discover now