Do I know you?

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Walking back home with Clementine was a bit different then what I'm used to. We dropped off Shroud at his house, he hugged us before he left.

The sun was starting to set when we reached home. Clementine was in my arms, back in her racoon form.

Walking into the apartment I saw Tubbo and Ranboo on the couch.

"Hey Big T. How was work at the café?"

"We had to deal with a Karen again. She insisted that she was a regular and she funded the café, she kept demanding a discount." Tubbo groaned as he remembered the interaction from work.

"She even yelled at Ranboo! Can you believe that! When that happened Nook came out and dealt with her." Tubbo continued to complain about work.

"Really!? Are you ok Ranboo?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Ranboo gave me a thumbs up.

"Good king. I'm going to go on patrol. I need to ask Purpled something and I'm going to have to use one of my favors from Big Q" I tapped my necklace and my Vigilante gear spread along my body. Clementine jumped out of my arms and into her corner.

"Ok, have fun Tommy. Don't do drugs." Tubbo waved

"Oh you know I will, I will do so many drugs." I laughed before jumping out the window, propelling myself to the roof.

"Theseus to Purpled. Are you patrolling currently?" I waited a few seconds before I heard a reply. Continuing to move along the rooftops as I spoke to Purpled.

"Purpled to Theseus. Yea, I'm on patrol why?" His distorted voice came through the coms.

"I have a few questions for you"

"Is it about the attack on that school earlier today?"

"Yeah. I was wondering who those other Vigilantes were." There was a pause before Purpled responded.

"I'm currently patrolling with them right now. Would you like it if I brought them over?"


"Ok, see you in a few."

Stopping, I leaned against the fence of the roof, tilting my head to the side to see the city below.

I heard the sound of multiple footsteps approaching and I turned to see three people running towards me.

"Hey Purpled!" I waved to him. All three of them slowed down till they were also on the same roof.

"Hey Theseus. These are who I was talking about." Purpled gestured to the two next to him.

One had short brown hair. He had a black and orange hoodie, black cargo pants and fingerless gloves. On his head was a silver crown adorned with blue and green gems. He had a mask covering the bottom half of his face and his eyes were completely white. They reminded me of the hero Monarch.

The other one had dark brown hair. His vigilante get up consisted of a dark blue hoodie. He had a full face black porcelain mask. He was wearing a black bodysuit underneath like me. He was also wearing black shorts.

"My name is Atlas" The one with white eyes spoke up. His voice was deep even with a voice changer. It was kind of familiar.

"And my name is Thanatos." The one with a blue hoodie held out his hand for me to shake. Hesitantly I shook it.

"Cool. You can call me Theseus. Are you two new?" They both nodded.

"We're also new in town. So we hung around Purpled to get the ropes of things." Thanatos said.

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