The calm before the storm

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Watching the sun rise for I don't know how many nights in a row was calming. Even so it did nothing to help my insomnia.

Today Ranboo, Tubbo and their two mystery kids were coming over. It was the weekend so Shroud and Clementine would be here. Sadly the Business Bay would be at work still. They work even during the weekends and late into the night. I guess it's what happens when you work for Las Nevadas.

Wilbur, Techno and Phil were staying over the night in the guest rooms. The Business Bay was quite rich from all the jobs they get. Legal or not. They still did the side hustle of being Mercenaries occasionally.

Deciding to finish cleaning up the house I walked out of my room. This house had pretty good sound proof walls so I could blast music and people could barely hear it. I wasn't going to blast music this early in the morning but I was going to put some on.

Connecting my phone to a Bluetooth speaker I turned on some music and began cleaning. It wasn't anything major, just some organizing. My rung chimed as someone called me. Picking up my phone I answered.


"Tommy. Open your door." Purpleds annoyed voice came through the receiver.

"Why!? Are you here right now!?"

"Duh, now open the door. It's cold outside." I hung up the phone before walking to the front door and opening it. Purpled stood there in all his glory, looking tired.

"You never told me your wings grew back. Or that you wouldn't be at your house after my shift ended." He was glaring at me.

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"We were supposed to hang out after my shift ended two days ago, but when I went to your apartment you weren't there. Wilbur left a note about flight practice or something. But you never answered your phone when I tried to call you." I looked at him sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I forgot, with everything that was going on." He scoffed.

"Of course you did. Now I'm under the impression that Tubbo and Ranboo are coming over and you need help cleaning up." He strode right past me into the house.

"Hey!?" He turned to me giving a deadpan look.

"Look, I'm bored. And you are the only person who can afford being bothered right now. Deal with it." He turned back around.

He ended up actually helping me clean before Tubbo and Ranboo arrived. It was nice hanging out with him again.

We were talking in the kitchen when there was a knock on the front door. The conversation immediately stopped.

"I'll get it. It's probably Tubbo and Ranboo. Can you wake up Clementine and Shroud for me?" Purpled nodded before walking away.

Walking to the door I flung it open. Tubbo was standing in front. He was bouncing up and down on his heels as he waited. Ranboo was behind him, looking around. I couldn't see the two kids behind them but I assumed it was their children.

"Come on in you guys. Purpled is waking up my kids right now. It will just be us today, My crew aren't here right now because of work. The Syndicate may come over later but they haven't confirmed. Just don't be surprised if they enter, I gave them a key." I explained to them as I walked to the living room.

"Crew?" Tubbo asked, confused.

"Oh yeah. The Business Bay. They were my crew before I moved to this city." I explained effortlessly. Turning on some music I turned to them. I froze in my spot once I noticed who the two kids were.

Sorry I only spea- "Tommy Shut The Fuck Up!"Where stories live. Discover now