The Mario cart trials

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It was now 9:00 am and I was standing in front of the hero tower. I was wearing the same thing that I was wearing yesterday. Except now I had an ID card that gave me access to the tower.

I walked through the doors, scanning my card as I walked in. I slipped the card into my hoodie pocket as I went to the elevator. I waived to Kristin as I passed by her desk.

"Good morning Tommy!" She smiled and waved back to me.

"Good morning to you too!" As I entered the Elevator I took out the ID and looked over it again. It noticed the same things that I did a week ago, but when I looked at it closer It also had a floor number. I think that's the floor that I work on, or that I will be on the most?

I squinted my eyes making sure I was reading it properly. 'Of course that was the floor'. I gave a sigh before I pressed the button for floor 69.

Once again I was greeted with the elevator music that caused me so much pain. Immediately I could feel my annoyance rising.

Without a second thought I jumped up and roundhouse kicked the speaker. It broke off the wall. There were wires still connected to it so that it dangled against the wall. No more music was heard from it.

I glared at the speaker. If Flame destroyed it multiple times, it should be fine that I did that, I hope.

I looked around the elevator to see that there was a camera pointed directly at me. Shit.

"In my defense, that music pisses me off." I looked directly at the camera and spoke.

With those last words the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. I walked out of the elevator and heard loud laughter.

"You're telling me, he entered the elevator, heard the music and immediately roundhouse kicked the speaker!? That is priceless! What is it with him and roundhouse kicks!?" Dream's voice was heard from the other side of the wall.

"That's not even the best part! He glared at the broken thing, then he noticed the camera and proceeded to explain his reasoning with the most deadpan expression!" This time it was Flame who answered.

I walked out from behind the wall. In Front of me the room looked like any other living room. It had a couch facing a TV. There was a rug and farther away was what looked like a kitchen. On the other side of the room was a hallway to what assumed were the offices.

On the couch sitting was Dream, Flame and 404. All three of them were laughing about something. In Front of them was a laptop that had the camera feed of the elevator.

Dream was sitting on the floor, Flame was sitting next to him. Both were laughing. 404 was leaning against the couch armrest, he had a smile on his face.

"Please tell me that the top three heroes were not just spying on their new employee." I looked at the three of them as they turned to face me.

"Would you believe us if we said no?" I brought my hand to my face with a sigh.

"Did you really destroy the speaker?" Flame laughed again as he asked me.

"Yeah. Like I said, 'It was pissing me off." Flame nodded in agreement while 404 just scoffed at his friend's antics.

"Flame, you are not allowed to hang out with Tommy, you two are already alike and we don't need you to influence him anymore." Dream said matter factualy in a fake posh accent.

"What's this I hear about someone being too alike Flame?" Inferno came into the room followed by Billzo.

"Eryn, I don't think he was talking about you." Billzo walked past his friend and sat at the counter.

Sorry I only spea- "Tommy Shut The Fuck Up!"Where stories live. Discover now