What use is a flightless bird?

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Besides the very embarrassing thing from yesterday, where I slept at work. I was doing relatively ok. I've been getting paid well. There have been no internet scandals that I have to worry about. It's all going smoothly.

Shroud and Clementine are going to school again. Well for Shroud it's again, it's Clementine's first time at school but so far she loves it.

Deo usually picks the two of them after school because I'm usually still in work. Deo has helped me a lot over the few months I've been staying here, he's been taking care of the kids when I'm busy.

Walking to work I listened to music. Maybe if I'm lucky Dream, Sapnap and George won't mention yesterday.

Once I arrived at work the lobby was practically empty. There was no one in sight. Rushing to the elevator I repetitively pressed the button for floor 69. The elevator seemed to move slower than usual as I waited to arrive.

Once the doors slid open I briskly walked into the room. Dream, Flame and 404 were suiting up.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nightmare was seen on the other side of the city. We're going to try and bring him in." Dream said without looking up. Stiffening, I looked at Flame. Flame looked a bit guilty as I glared at him. Trudging up to him I hissed into his ear.

"You promised me you would tell me if you caught wind of XD or Nightmare!" Glaring at him, Flame looked a bit guilty.

"I know. But this can be dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt!" He whispered.

"I'm not going to get hurt. I've been doing this for about the same amount of time that you have been." Crossing my arms I walked away.

"Please be careful when you fight Nightmare. He plays dirty." I said to Dream.

"We'll be fine Tommy. Don't worry." He ruffled my hair before the three of them left. After a few minutes of standing around I punched a wall.

"Like hell I'm just going to stand around!" Glaring at nothing in particular I ran down the stairwell. The elevator takes too long. Getting annoyed I just jumped from the railing and fell to the first floor. When I was two floors from the ground I spread my wings and gilded down. The stairwell was narrow but I managed.

Tucking my wings back, I ran out of the building. People were walking around like everything was normal. Technically Nightmare is on the other side of the city, but they should have already heard of him being active right now.

Ignoring my unease I ran into an alleyway a few blocks from the hero tower and put on my gear. Once I was ready I launched myself into the side. I may hate Nightmare and XD, but I don't want anyone else I care about to get hurt because of them.

Speeding through the side I scanned the streets and cityscape around and underneath me for any sign on the Villain. At first I couldn't see anything suggesting he was causing havoc until I saw a small explosion.

Diving down I saw what was going on. Nightmare was using his powers to fight the three heroes off. Currently he somehow got 404 to use his powers on Flame then trap him in rubble so it was just Dream and Nightmare fighting.

They were well matched against each other seeing as they both had Telekinesis powers. They were both fighting using the swords that they kept on their suit, seeming to be dancing around each other.

Perching on a rooftop above I watched the fight, well aware of the news helicopter flying ahead and the people in the streets recording.

Wait, people in the streets!?

Sorry I only spea- "Tommy Shut The Fuck Up!"Where stories live. Discover now