Drone go 'Pew pew'

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So going back to work at the hero tower was more nerve racking than I thought it would be. Both Fundy and Purpled would check up on me several times an hour and I was avoiding the three Dream Team heroes like the plague.

Purpled would hang out with me in my office while Fundy hunted the two of us down in the cafeteria. They both made sure I ate and stayed hydrated the whole day. Who knew being healthy was so tiring.

I was sitting at my desk in my office. The Dream Team was currently patrolling so I had the whole level to myself.

Pulling out my phone I decided it was time to cause some chaos on twitter. Most people don't know but I had a Twitter account for Icarus, my old Vigilante alias. It had pictures with me and the Business Bay boys. Also some with me alone on roofs. I hadn't posted or even looked on there since I left.

But now it's time to ruin some peoples' days.

@JustIcarus: I can't believe what modern heroes have turned to.

I set my phone down and heard the pings of peoples shocked responses of a vigilante who disappeared years ago making a Tweet. After a few minutes I picked up my phone.

@NotAn_Intern: @JustIcarus, where have you been for the past years? At this point @TheBetter_Theseus will be better than you.

@TheBetter_Theseus: @JustIcarus, HA! I am so better than you!

@JustIcarus: @NotAn_Intern, @TheBetter_Theseus, Try getting hit by a train, you would also stop your job.

@NotAn_Intern: @JustIcarus, Been there, done that. But I'm still here.

@TheBetter_Theseus: @JustIcarus, I got hit by a train too, but you don't see me and @NotAn_Inters being a pussy about it.

@JustIcarus: @TheBetter_Theseus, Fair, Fair, But I retired. I left the city for you to protect. I trust you will do a good job.

@TheBetter_Theseus: @JustIcarus, One, Didn't we patrol in different cities entirely? Two, Awwwww! You're going to make me cry!

@NotAn_Intern: @TheBetter_Theseus, @JustIcarus, What is this blooming bromance going on?

@JustIcarus: NotAn_Intern, That is not the point. I have handed down my responsibility to @TheBetter_Theseus. He is the only one who can protect the city.

@Hi_ImFlame: @JustIcarus, @Hero_HQ, What are we? Chopped liver?

@TheBetter_Theseus: @Hi_ImFlame, I mean... That could be arranged.

@NotAn_Intern: @TheBetter_Theseus, Can you not please? That will create more work for me. I don't feel like doing that work right now.

@TheBetter_Theseus: @NotAn_Intern, Fine but no promises. Because you told me not to, I won't. ;)

I snickered to myself at the ridiculousness of what I wrote. I laughed to myself over everyone freaking out about the Winky face that Theseus sent me. Making Twitter news always made my day and cheered me up.

I opened my bag and took out a small box. Yesterday When I was at work Tubbo made me something for work at the HeroHQ. He made me a small sphere drone. It was red and it had a big circle lens for recording and taking pictures. Because Tubbo had to be extra, he added little retractable laser guns. The laser guns, if you were hit by it, would feel like being hit by a static shock. Whoever was controlling the drone could also speak through the drone through tiny speakers on the side.

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