The Hidden News

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I was heading to work. I would probably be early if I arrived there now. I was walking with coffee in my right hand and paperwork in my left. I was too busy reading the documents to see the little kid in front of me till it was too late.

I stumbled and my coffee fell out of my hand and onto his shirt. My papers fell onto the street.

"Oh shit." I said before kneeling down and grabbing the papers and stacking them in order.

"I'm sorry." The kid said. He looked down disappointedly at his coffee drenched shirt. He had short light brown fluffy hair. It fell a bit above his eyes, almost covering them. He had freckles dotting his cheeks. His eyes were forest green.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. I ruined your shirt." Getting up I looked at the damage of the boy's shirt. The shirt was pastel red, the stain was dripping down the front of it.

The boy shrugged helplessly. "S'nothig you could do about it." He muttered.

"But there is. Let me buy you a new shirt. I feel terrible for ruining such a cool shirt. I'm Tommy by the way." I held out my hand for the kid to shake.

"My name is Henry." He shook my hand . "But you have to promise me that you won't kidnap me. I have been taught stranger danger." He stared at me, looking into my eyes.

"Of course. I work for the heroes after all, I have some morals." I smiled as I led him to a nearby clothes store. He hummed in acknowledgement.

The bell on the door chimed as we entered the store. I walked towards the direction of the shirts and Henry followed.

"Ok, just pick out a shirt that you like and I'll buy it for you." I told him. He started to look through the racks of clothing before choosing a light blue shirt with a yellow cow on it. The cow had flowers growing out of it and flowers underneath it.

"Can I get this shirt?" He asked hesitantly. I smiled down at him.

"Of course." I brought him over to the counter before paying for his shirt. He went to the changing room and came out wearing the shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror before turning to face me with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you Mr. Tommy!" He said brightly.

"It was no problem." I waved goodbye as we walked our separate ways from the shop.

"Time to go to hell, I mean work." I gave a dejected sigh as I made my way to the hero tower.

Because I made the little detour for Henry I was no longer early and just on time. Oh well.

The rest of the day went normal. I recorded more on my drone and avoided the Dream team. So overall normal. I was very excited to get home and get ready for the interview with Hidden News.

As I walked home I was practically buzzing with excitement. I ran up the apartment stairs and ran through the door.


"SHUT UP TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled from his workshop

"Welcome back Tommy." Ranboo said. Tubbo then burst through the door holding my necklace. He tossed it to me and I cached it. Rolling my shoulders, my wings stretched out.

"Ok Tommy, I finished your suit." Tubbo said proudly. I examined the necklace before putting it on and taping it. My suit spread along my body and in a few second I was wearing my suit.

It looked relatively the same besides that it looked brand new and the mask had more features in it. For the next hour Tubbo taught me stuff about the suit and its new features.

Sorry I only spea- "Tommy Shut The Fuck Up!"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora