Part 16

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The next morning was like the first few. I slept in from the drowsiness of everything and working so damn hard. I was still snoring and had my earbuds in as my shirt was raised up revealing more scars on my stomach and Aizawa looked with sad but also had tired features. He then eyed me and my face and the bruising had gotten down into a yellowish purple blemish and the swelling went down. But he then looked again and so did my stomach. I had bruises littering my torso and he hardened. I didn't tell him I was this badly hurt. He sighed knowing me and went to make some breakfast. He eyed the timer on the oven and sighed since Yashi would be here in an hour. He looked to the hall where I still hadn't woken up and then out of the hall came a gruff looking teen yawning and scratching his head with eyes still closed and slowly making his way slowly to the kitchen.

"Mornin'." I said now yawning once more and I winced as I did and my cheek hurt. I sighed and sat down. Aizawa eyed me and my really messy hair and couldn't help but smile.

"I should take your picture." Aizawa said now and I eyed him with one eye smaller than the other and he laughed some more.

"Yeah.. my hair does it's own thing..." I said now and he smiled as he finished the hash and the eggs.

"Hey.. we still haven't gotten to the store for apples yet." I said now remembering and Aizawa sighed remembering too.

"We can go tonight. After your lessons with Mic. He'll be here in half an hour so eat and get ready. He said today will be maths and tomorrow sciences. He'll be teaching you all of the different subjects starting with those books he's brought here." Aizawa said and I then looked around and saw them still on the floor at the table. I sighed and picked one of them up. I eyed the long as hell word and it had an M at the beginning so I guessed it was this book. I opened it and all of the numbers shot back at me on the pages. I widened my eyes and my face was priceless.

"It's just numbers and letters. What even is this?" I said now and Aizawa laughed still from before.

"It's the one subject in school that kills any ambition in kids like you." Aizawa said and I held a dreaded look of being too tired for this shit.

"The book is 400 pages long. Why is there a book this long with just numbers? And there's only a section with triangles and circles.. And then numbers on lines with x's and y's?" I said mumbling on and Aizawa then set down my plate and I eyed it and got to eating. I finished in 2 minutes and then looked at my book once more.

"You sure Mic can teach me all of this? I think if he was good at explaining then I'd be fine. But that depends on if he can explain this number vomit." I said now and closed the book. I looked at my glass and took it going for the water. I drank some and set it down.

"What did you tell Mic yesterday when I was out? You told him about the list and stuff right?" I asked him and he nodded. I sighed and sat back down.

"Alright. 10 months of this and then more school. It'll be a piece of cake." I said now and Aizawa looked to me still half awake and snickered some more. Then the door opened and my eyes widened with a mini heart attack as Mic came busting loudly and shouting as per usual. He then closed the door and eyed me and how tired I looked and my messy hair as well as pajamas.

"Hey Screamer." I said now and Aizawa shook his head.

"Mic, you're early." Aizawa said now and he half smiled scratching the back of his head, but it was too late he already saw my arms now. I stood up and yawned again as I went to my room sleepily. Yashi now eyed my many scars with wide eyes and at the extent of my previous injuries. He hardened and looked at Aizawa and he sat down. Aizawa reminded him of the list and how asking about his scars was a no go and he sighed. He was just shocked that I had so many. I then came back with a t-shirt not seeing the point in hiding them to him now and my jeans as I sat down. My hair was fixed somewhat too with side braids but still poofy all around.

Under-editing | Bnha x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now